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Otto roth new deluxe short comb

Last year I picked up a lot of razors, and have finally gotten around to trying out a new deluxe that was included. The razor is a new deluxe short comb with otto roth on the back. It came with a ball end handle. Is the ball handle correct? Or is it possible to even know? It's a cool razor, but I'm not sure I like it as well as my regular long comb new. Has anyone seen one of these before? I'll try to post some pictures this evening of it.
I mis-remembered. Mine is a long comb as well. The short comb was another deluxe. Here is the handle I was asking about though.

Yeah, I don't know that much about Otto Roth razors, but I believe I have seem them on this ball end type handle. Now that I'm thinking about it, I believe there's a thread out there that shows a side by side photo of the ball end handle that came with the Otto Roth head and the ball end handle that came with the Gillette head. Surprisingly, there are slight differences between the two. I always thought that the handle that came with mine looked like a ball end handle that lost it's ball.... but in reality, it is capped at the bottom so it never had a ball to begin with. I'll have to look for that thread.... I ran across it when I got my Otto Roth razor and created the thread that I posted about above.

So, which handle do you think you have? I would say it's very likely the Otto Roth handle, but they are so similar it's hard to tell the differences unless the two handles are side by side. At any rate, based on that thread it shows that Otto Roth made a handle very similar to the Gillette handle, so it's likely that you have the original handle. Wouldn't you agree?

At the time these were made Gillette already owned the Otto Roth brand -- they acquired the German company, Roth-Büchner, in 1926 -- and these were essentially just a case of "badge engineering."
So, which handle do you think you have? I would say it's very likely the Otto Roth handle, but they are so similar it's hard to tell the differences unless the two handles are side by side. At any rate, based on that thread it shows that Otto Roth made a handle very similar to the Gillette handle, so it's likely that you have the original handle. Wouldn't you agree?


I really don't know. The 2 handles are so close, that I am having trouble seeing a difference, and since I only have one ball end, I can't do a side by side. I would guess it was, but it's too close to call.
I wasn't aware that any of the NEW Deluxes bore the Otto Roth branding.
Are we all clear on the differences between short comb NEWs and NEW Deluxes?
I wasn't aware that any of the NEW Deluxes bore the Otto Roth branding.
Are we all clear on the differences between short comb NEWs and NEW Deluxes?

Just in case, here is my reference image of some Gillette open comb heads.

Pictured below are just some of the various British and Canadian Long Comb New heads that I've come across.

Side by side comparison of some Gillette Long Combs and the Otto Roth Inc. Long Comb.
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