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Osage Rub test drive

Tried out the Osage Rub yesterday for the first time. Oh baby. I splashed it on and quickly washed my hands in warm soapy water, and within 5 seconds the cold wave came. Pretty impressive for about 10 minutes and then it began to wane. It's a little rugged, especially on a cold February day, but will be refreshing in the summer.
I found a local barber supply that i can buy the Osage Rub for $4.50 a bottle. I was going to visit them and pick one up. I wanted to try it, but not at $13 on-line with shipping. Hope I like it because I don't think I can beat that price.
It's one of my favorites if I'm looking for something that's not going to last all day. I also use it to backstop a menthol based AS (eg AV Ice Blue or Proraso) for long lasting menthol-y goodness
If you really want to ante up start out with QCS Vostok soap or cream, then follow it up with 444 aftershave balm mixed with a few splashes of Osage Rub.
I picked up a bottle of Osage Rub today from a barber supply store in Oakland, CA. The guy who ran the place suggested I stop in and say hi to the guy at the barber shop just behind their store. I did, and mentioned to him that I had just picked up some Osage Rub. He asked me, "You're not gonna put that on your face, are you? You should only put that stuff on your neck."
That's probably good advise about only putting it on your neck :) I just got a bottle today and splashed it on my face. It smells like and has the same effect as Vick's Vaporub! I like it and it's certainly different but I'll probably try just splashing it on my neck, especially in the summer.
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