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Osage Rub Pay It Forward

A nearly full 14oz bottle of the "Rub". Say "I'm in" and why you like the feeling of having just shoved your face into the Arctic Ocean! Oh and one more thing, I am asking for 5 bucks towards the shipping. Continental US only. Good luck! I'll give this pif until Wednesday, June 5th at 5pm central for anyone interested.

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I'm in. I live in the San Fernando Valley, which gives me days 110-degrees for weeks in the summer. My air conditioning is bad. I'll take the illusion of cold, even, where I can get it.
Never used The Rub.
I'm in. The reason I'd like to stick myself in the arctic ocean, is because I am still learning, and it helps with the fact that I keep razor burning myself.

I'm in! I just moved away from the Dirty South, and would love to cleanse my palate with Arctic goodness as I return to the North! Haven't yet tried a menthol soap, cream or aftershave. I'm ready; thanks for the opportunity!
I'm in, why not? I used Proraso cream and a small sample of Menthol from eBarbershop last night. As I live in the great state of Texas, it was very nice.
I'm deffinatly in!!

Osage has been high on my to get list. And when I placed my last order, I would have purchased some. But the vendor was sold out. It would make for the perfect FFF shave. Proraso pre shave, QCS iced key lime, my menthol spiked witch hazel and a splash of Osage to finish ot off!!

I want to be crying tears of joy from all that menthol. After I'm done with my frozen freak face shaves. It's like an endorphin rush for me.:velva2:

Thanks for offering up this PIF.
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Great PIF. I'm in. I love this stuff and been out for over a year since giving my bottle away to a friend.
Random.org's site was down so I had to use another randomizer. Here's the results:

1. ksblazer
2. wagstaff
3. suggy
4. androidad75
5. duckduckghost
6. bubblestgb
7. Obiwan
8. delawareguy

Randomized list generated Jun 5 2013 at 17:56:47 by www.psychicscience.org
Free educational resources for parapsychology, psychical research & mind magic.

Oh, this makes my day!! I'm super excited to be getting this PIF of Osage. I've heard so many good things about how cold it it. And this is perfect timing as weather is starting to warm up here in the Puget Sound area. Can't wait to give it a try, and I'll definatly be sharing my experiences about this aftershave with you guys.

Thanks Sir Lurkalot:ouch1:
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