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Opposite hand DE shaving

Does anyone here find it easier to shave certain spots on their face using their non-dominate hand while DE shaving? I am left handed, but I seem to have a much easier time getting a good shave on the left side of my neck using my right hand. Anyone else have similar situations, or am I just imagining things?
I can imagine what you are feeling although I don't have the same feelings myself. I make a point of shaving the left side of my face with my left hand and the right side with my right hand because I want to start shaving with a straight soon.
Looking at a pretty woman while nipping from my beer is the maximum my brain can process. :lol:
So no, shaving with my non-dominating hand is not for me. I have to twist my right wrist in impossible angles to get there.
It takes a little getting used to, but I find shaving the face and neck with the hand opposite not only gives a better view of the face but a better blade angle also; both with a straight and with a DE. I am not ambidextrous by any means, but using the razor with both hands gets easier the more you do it.
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