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This morning, I thought I was being clever by mixing several drops of Nandita Sandal Incense Oil into some AOS unscented shave cream. The cream always works well, but the unscented version is boring.
It whipped up well, and made for a smooth shave. At the beginning of my second pass, I realized that my face was on fire. I quickly finished that pass as the burning increased, then rinsed and rinsed, scrubbed my rapidly-reddening face with some Mary Kay facial cleanser, and cleaned out my scuttle and brush. I re-lathered with some Pre de Provence soap, and finished the shave, and applied some Thayer's with aloe.
My face has steadily calmed down as the day has progressed, and I have had a nice lingering sandalwood aroma, which was NOT worth the side-effect. BTW, there were no razor burn areas, nicks or cuts.
So, I guess that my "clever" idea was a mistake. I don't think my face was meant to be subjected to the Sandal oil, or that oil reacted poorly with the AOS cream, or whatever. And I don't usually have skin sensitivities to anything.
Anyone else need a chump for some human animal testing? I have experience!
Incense oils aren't usually meant for application to the skin, as you found out the hard way. :scared: You need a cosmetic grade fragrance oil or essential oil. I also recommend you do a skin sensitivity test on your arm or leg before you try this again. Just get the right kind of oil and give it another go.

I'm sure any of the soapers on the forums would steer you to a reputable FO/EO seller, or you could check some of the soap-making web sites and see who they recommend.
Smart move on using PdP, Thayer's and aloe to calm things down. Definately good advice to skin test on your arm before trying something on your face. Just don't let this get you down on experimenting - if it worked I'm sure that some of us would have been pretty stoked about something new and creative.
Incense oils aren't usually meant for application to the skin, as you found out the hard way. :scared: You need a cosmetic grade fragrance oil or essential oil. I also recommend you do a skin sensitivity test on your arm or leg before you try this again. Just get the right kind of oil and give it another go.

I'm sure any of the soapers on the forums would steer you to a reputable FO/EO seller, or you could check some of the soap-making web sites and see who they recommend.

+1 on this... incense oils aren't made for the skin. Find some EO's or FO's (I myself use some FO once in a while) that are skin safe (as Bob said, a cosmetic grade) and use those. I feel your pain, I have somewhat sensitive skin and a lot of mainstream products will light me up like that (which is why I converted in the first place!). Hope you heal up nicely!

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