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onset of RAD

... the first half.
... left out the daily shavers.
... left out the boxes.
What're the ones best to keep, of these?
-- Chet
The Stars, Christies, Gems, Techs & maybe the Knack. Send the rest to me for environmentally responsible disposal. No charge.
Why would you want to get rid of any? You need to keep adding. I don't see to many GEM's, Ever Readys or Schicks in that lot. Then you can go for the oddities like Segals, Pals etc
I'm a Gillette guy and except for the Gems I would get rid of everything else that isn't Gillette.
Then get rid of duplicates.
But this is what I would keep.

The far left razor looks like a Goodwill. keep it.
One Slim adjustable
The aluminum handled Tech
One of the late 40's Super Speed
The Lady Gillette
The Aristocrat
The flair tip SS.
The black tip SS
One each of the gold and nickel ball end Tech
The long handle Super adjustable
The fat handled Tech
The Knack
The Old Type ball handle pocket
The ball end fluted handle Tech
OK If you want to keep the funny handle 1st row 3rd from left that's fine too.

OK If you want to keep the funny handle 1st row 3rd from left that's fine too.

It's a "Star". I didn't even know about "Star" razors until I saw it on one of my antique runs. It looked like a bucket of crap until I gave it a good overnight soak in simple green and an authoritative scrubbing. It turned out really nice, I think.
-- Chet
What is that odd looking razor at the extreme right? Thin black handle, tapers down to an even thinner silver extension, with a head that looks like it would take an SE blade.

I've never seen anything like that before.
What is that odd looking razor at the extreme right? Thin black handle, tapers down to an even thinner silver extension, with a head that looks like it would take an SE blade.

I've never seen anything like that before.

Maybe a Christy SE.
Maybe a Christy SE.

It's a Kleen Kutter, a real ***. My turds have more substance, and I -do- get my daily fiber.

Apparently, the original owner could not be impressed enough by it to give it a blade. It is still munching factory cardboard, and likely ever shall be a eunuch.

It is the single greatest embarassment of all the razors I have, or have ever had. I'm waiting for range day, so that I can tape it to the 250m gong on the silhouette range, and put lead in it. [grits teeth]
-- Chet
I figured that since I've been cleaning razors for eight hours, I'd show the second set. No repeats. They were dusty and grimy and I had a few basket cases that I'll bring up under seperate thread ('cause I got some questions). I bought the lot for the adjustables, the superspeeds and for the Kronas.

In a few weeks, all the SE jobs'll show up on BST, fwiw. Can't stand 'em. The guy that does my ammo will take 'em for brass, but if anyone around here wants them, keep an eye out... they'll go cheap.

-- Chet
Show-off!! :biggrin:

... alright, maybe just a teensy bit, but not to make anyone feel bad.

I'm hoping for some critique. Do I have an example of something that could lead somewhere? Are there other variants in what I have that I can keep an eye out for?

... alternatively, is there something in here, like the Kleen Kutter, that I can shoot or melt down to make bullets, or decorative finials, or drawer-pulls?

-- Chet
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