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Only one soap in my possession to try....

I've used Williams, VDH Glycerin and Deluxe, Surrey Glycerin and Deluxe, Lightfoot's Pine, Trumper's Coconut, C&E Sandalwood, and a Speick stick (as well as several creams), all of the soaps and creams I've had in my possession, but I've had one stick waiting to be opened since visiting Gentleman's Best early last month....

The wrapper has been peeled back and the blade is loaded for Monday morning's shave with... Arko! It has a smell like no other soap I've tried - lemony. Others have described it as smelling like laundry detergent and I get that. I'll post how it performs for me tomorrow!
You're in for a real treat. I haven't had the pleasure of trying Speick yet, but with that one exception, I would say that Arko is far and away better than all the others you listed.

The scent is a little off-putting, but the shave is soooo nice you'll get over it quick
It was a nice surprise! Nice dense lather after I soaked the end of the stick briefly and rubbed a small amount on my face. My best badger brought up a good volume of cushiony lather which smelled lemony to me (Laundry was being done at my first visit today, and the Arko smelled similar - fresh and clean). Nice cushion and glide. I've only tried one other stick, Speick. I like the lather of the Arko better, but the edge goes to Speick for scent. Very good performing stick, and the price is right!
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