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One of the not chosen.

Well folks, I tried the Veg (Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal for the very few that have not heard about it)... I wanted to like it, I really did! Also, I really wanted to be part of the exclusive cadre of folks that like and use the Veg. I like being different.

I gave it a good go, tried it 4 separate times and wore it for a few hours each time. My own impression is that I honestly can't decide whether I like or not...vaguely smells between "old lady" and sort of a pleasant powdery scent. My 5 year old daughter when solicited for an oppinion declared, "that smells awesome daddy!" but the lady of the house (out of sight of my daughter at the time) made vaguely disparaging hand signals that she didn't care for the scent at all. No, not those kinds of hand signals, she doesn't use those... At other times she told me in no uncertain terms that I smelled like a conflux of her grandmother and her old cat's litter box. My 3 year old son just gave me a look when I leaned in close for him to take a whiff and he distinctly moved away from me, to the other side of the room. Sigh...I guess this one isn't a winner.

Also, unlike the Pinaud Clubman that I quite enjoy, I am not willing to keep wearing it to buck the oppinion of my significant other since I just don't like it enough. I suppose it was also a sign that the bottle arrived in the mail with a small hole in the corner so that when the plastic bubble wrap was removed the bottle started leaking onto our kitchen floor. The wife was not pleased. Not very much leaked out since it was a pinhole leak and I was able to plug the hole with some rubber glue. Still, I suppose it was a sign the Veg and I were not to have a future together.

Ah well, farewell Veg and no offense, but we were just not meant to have a future together. :crying:
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Poor unfortunate soul! There is no justice. Who can know the mind of The Veg and who will be chosen or turned away? The Veg giveth and the Veg taketh away!
I can try that. Would it seriously make that much of a difference though? I have my doubts...

Yes. I too had my doubts when this was first explained to me.

I have both in my den right now, and while I find it's nice straight out of the plastic, out of glass it is a very different animal, er, vegetable.
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