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Old Type, New - differences, experiences.

Hi folks!

I got a Gillette Old Type with changed handle a week ago and fall in love with it. I'm getting very nice shaves with it, not BBS, but very nice without irritation. It made me wonder how are another older razors from Gillette, so I have a few questions. I would be very grateful for any answers and thoughts.

1. I've heard that New Improved is quite harsh razor and not so mild as Old or New. Is that right?

2. Is there any difference in weight of Old Types with different handles - single ring, double ring and ball end?

3. Is there ani difference (in terms of performance) between two Old Type heads (thinner and thicker)?

4. How is New in comparisson with Old Type in terms of closeness and mildness?

5. What is difference between News with long and short teeth?

At first I wanted to buy a new Muhle, close or open comb (do you think they are better?), but now I'd like to buy a nice Old Type or New and can't find information related to my questions.

And... If you have an Old or a New one in nice condition and are willing to send it to Europe, my PayPal is opened :blushing:.

Thank you :001_smile.
For purchases, watch the BST (and eBay).

The Double Ring and Single Ring feel about identical. I've never yet shaved with a ball end Old Type, but have used an ABC Pocket Edition. These have a heavy dense feel, with tapered handles. Feel different in the hands (but both good). The NEW, it's been some time since I shaved with one, I really need to get back (never used the short comb yet, only the long comb and bar handle). It was pleasant as I recall.

The New Improved tend to be heavier razors, and again, I like their feel in the hands. I've got New Standards and Big Fellows. Both quite nice. Perhaps aggressive is a good word for them, but once you've got the technique going well, they are certainly nothing to fear.

Don't forget what some feel are the best of the vintage Gillette's, the New DeLuxe. I may just agree with that! These are sought after and not as easily found, but they're out there.

I've really enjoyed all the vintage Gillette's I've tried so far, including the Super Speeds, adjustables, Aristocrats- in my mind, I guess you can't go wrong with them. Which will be my favorite? Not certain, but I'm thinking it may settle towards Old Types or New Improved models. If I can ever give up the variety I crave long enough to settle on a few!
My experience has been with a replated Old Type head and a replated Goodwill which is basically a New long comb, so I'm told. Both are used with Bull Mastiff handles from CCB. I use Astra Super Platinum's exclusively.

I absolutely loved the Old Type from the first time I used it. I noticed right away that it required a steeper angle. I get a BBS in 3 passes with very little effort. I noticed the the blade sits directly on the bottom plate (comb's). I recently tried backing the handle off 1/4 turn and it made the shave even smoother. I could actually visualize a difference in the way the blade was bent when I did this.

I have attempted to use the Goodwill twice and each time have basically mutilated my face. No nic's or cuts but I get really bad irritation that takes days to heal. I have yet to find the right technique/angle needed to receive a good shave with this razor head. Maybe I will find it one of these days. One thing I noticed about this razor head is the blade gap. I haven't measured it but it looks close to the Merkur HD. I am thinking of trading this head if anybody's interested. I would be looking for a New standard, Merkur open/straight bar, or Muhle open/straight bar. All would have to be near mint or replated like the Goodwill I have.
In my experience the Old type is a bit more aggressive than the NEW, or at least you have to pay closer attention to the shave with an old type.

I like them both equally and find that if my technique is right with the old type I get a spectacular shave. I also get a wonderful shave from the NEW, but with perhaps one more pass to get as close. I found the NEW to be an easy shave and very, very pleasant. My NEW is the long comb model.

I would not want to choose between them if I could only have one.
Ball end Old Type Gillettes are still quite inexpensive on eBay, unless they're mint and in the proper case. I have a couple and love how they shave. They are aggressive, moreso IMO than a bar handle NEW, so I always use a smooth shaving blade in mine.

Good luck,

Thank you for your thoughts and recommendations very much! The result is comming every day into my mailbox :001_rolle. I've bought a very nice Single Ring from B&B member Erwin. I'm really looking forward on it!
I'm two shaves into an Old Big Fellow...A very heavy razor....thanks to the advice from the folks here...I am having GREAT shaves with it! The technique is quite different, but with a little practice you can get very good shaves! :thumbup1:
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