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"old" green proraso aftershave

Hi, a question for you. Dont proraso make the old liquid gream aftershave anymore? I know that the new white one are good to, but i find the scent in the old one more like the green line i general. i really like the green soap aswell and the aftershave just makes it a great experience. Bottle is still half full.. or empty.. :crying:

greeting from the cold north. Btw my firt post:biggrin1:
good news is that the newer splash is apparently very very close to the old stuff which is good considering that the soap has changed a tonne.
good to hear, i have the old soap to, but 80% left. i allready have an order on the new splash. 2 days and its mine.. mine!
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let us know how you think it measures up!

I still have a whole tub of old green and a tube of old green :) should do me a while.
Wow, tried it today and i love it. The scent is close to the old balm. First a little sting fading over to a great cooling sensation. Super fresh start or end to a day. Feeling silkysmoot.
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