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Old Fogies Club: What was your workout today?


Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.
Various stretches worked in with 3 cycles of 12 reps of various exercises; e.g., crunches, pushups, planks.

15,000+ steps...
Switched to push press as press was starting to tick me off, I've never been super strong at it but never this bad at it either
Push press to 130 lbs x5

I was then supposed to do weighted dips but some fine upstanding citizen was so hot and bothered to steal something that they stole the belt from the gym, left the chain mind you.

BW dips 5x10
Going to have to improvise something for tomorrows weighted pullups.
Weighted pullups to 42.5 lbs x5

Tied two pieces of old climbing webbing together to form a loop. Mental note, add a third piece or go buy a longer run, it was a tad on the close side. yoikes thank goodness for compression shorts. 😲

Pendley rows to 205 lbs x5
Leg day

I have my own leather weighted dip/chin belt that I bought years ago but the rivets are coming out since my son started using it for serious weight.
I'm considering trying out some pop rivets to repair it but don't want to accidnetally make it into torture device in the process :rolleyes:
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