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Old Chinese Waterstone

Hello all, i recently acquired a hone from a garage sale down the street from my new place for free. It looks to be a two-grit Chinese waterstone from what i can only assume says "Diamond Brand" There is writing on the front, but it is has been slowly obliterated by years of honing i'd imagine.

Essentially i've been wanting a 1000 grit stone for a while, anybody have any ideas about the stone or the grit or have a good way to test? (if such a method indeed even exists)
from picture no one can say what grit this stone has etc. you need to test it. use old blade and try set the bevel see what happens. GL
The Chinese only reads "Made in the People's Republic of China" and up top it says "diamond," as you suspected.
I may have seen a similar stone before. It looks similar to the artificial stones they sell at restaurant supply stores in Chinatown in New York - I believe the 8 inch version is $5 and the 12 (or 14) inch version is $29.

Hate to break it to you, but I think the lighter side is 180 grit and the darker side is 320 grit. They make a fine stone for sharpening kitchen knives - the 320 side will make a knife sharp enough to get clean through a tomato - but I wouldn't take a razor to it.

Also, depending on the shop you go to, those stones can look quite ancient despite being only a few years old.
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