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OK -Someone kick me in the hind end...

Gentlemen - someone needs to give me a push. I want to try a straight, but I need a little shove. Anyone know of a kit on BST I should be looking at? Or a new one? It seems like if I try it and bag it I can always resell on BST so I am not too concerned with the $$, but for some reason I am just stuck browsing B&B and can't quite make it happen.

I made the transition from cartridge to DE with ease (and it was fun!) I am going to france this fall and want to be ready to justify purchasing a wildly cool
french blade by then (if one does such a thing...) as a souvenir.

Anyone want to be the official butt kicker?:ohmy:
Brand new razor honed by one of the best, Lynn Abrams. Highly regarded strop. If you like it they will last forever with proper care. If not sell it on the B/S/T, it will sell.

The Push.

This set is functional and classy but simple and is the minimum to get you started. You also get one free re hone.
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I've kind of been in the same spot. I was looking at straights, but never actually got one until a few days ago. Being a student, finding one cheap enough was an issue. I ended up getting one on bst for under $40 and then a filly from rup razor. I'm waiting until I get the strop to try it out, which should be within a few days. So...just buy something!!

I just started this week, and not as scary as it looks. That set from Straight razor designs looks pretty damn good btw. Might just go on the B-day wish list for the wife. Or else look for a shave ready straight from a seller here . I picked up one from Blackstangal, and it is honed to shave ready(+) as advertised. That and a filly strop($20 delivered) should be all you need to get going.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
I never thought "thank you sir, may I have another!" was the clarion call of RAD, but ...
Gentlemen - someone needs to give me a push. I want to try a straight, but I need a little shove. Anyone know of a kit on BST I should be looking at? Or a new one? It seems like if I try it and bag it I can always resell on BST so I am not too concerned with the $$, but for some reason I am just stuck browsing B&B and can't quite make it happen.

I made the transition from cartridge to DE with ease (and it was fun!) I am going to france this fall and want to be ready to justify purchasing a wildly cool
french blade by then (if one does such a thing...) as a souvenir.

Anyone want to be the official butt kicker?:ohmy:

Do it. Seriously. If you can wait out the relatively short learning curve (a few weeks or so, when you'll nick yourself a bit, might get a bit of razor burn, and the shaves may not be as close as you've been told they are), you'll get to a place where you won't look back.

I have recently tried DEs, because I wanted something quick for those early work mornings, and for travel. I have to say, though; as fun as the DEs are, and as good as the shaves are, nothing gives me as good a shave as a straight.

You have the benefit of knowing there are dozens of fellas here with a lot of experience using straights (I don't include myself), and you'll get all the advice you could want.

Take the plunge, have fun.

Thank you sirs... I would like some more kicking if you've got the time! Anything in the BST lately that I should be considering... or just go new?

Thanks to you all. I will post my journey when I take the plunge.
He's coming back for more beating. Alright! :biggrin:

I haven't seen anything shave ready on the classifieds today, but there is usually something fairly frequently. Going for new vs old is a personal preference really. If you want stainless just go new, but if you're cool with good ol HCS, well then your options increase exponentially (not that there aren't vintage stainless blades, just not as many).

Whatever you get I recommend a round point or a French point to start out with, size somewhere between 5/8 and 6/8, and something fairly hollow.

As happy as I was with m SRD strop I recommend you go for a Tony Miller rather than the one in the previously shown kit. For a starter strop though I wouldn't recommend anything else other than the famous Filly from Ken Rup. It's a lot of strop for 20 bucks, and it's a nice one.
I never thought "thank you sir, may I have another!" was the clarion call of RAD, but ...


I've kind of been in the same spot. I was looking at straights, but never actually got one until a few days ago. Being a student, finding one cheap enough was an issue. I ended up getting one on bst for under $40 and then a filly from rup razor. I'm waiting until I get the strop to try it out, which should be within a few days. So...just buy something!!

You're getting a Filly? For the price it's quite the steal, as it's a very nice strop. Everybody here raves about Tony Miller, but Ken does some very nice work as well. :biggrin:
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Thanks for the help so far...

Ok so here is what I am taking away from the kicking:

A filly from Ken Rup, and a 5/8 or 6/8 round or french point hollow. Or... just go for the kit as is. Anything else I need to get started? blade oil? Barbers hone?

I have lather & prep down. So all set there.

You definitely need a strop for the 2nd shave because trying straight razor shaving means a at least having two blood baths done.
Blade oil isn't needed but if really want to have resale value and not want to rust it get some - IMO WD-40 or Ballistol or Camelia oil doesn't matter, just use it.
Definitely a strop on the list. I find myself drawn to the vintage, restored stuff I am seeing on occasion, but I don't know which way to turn...any of you restorers want to weigh in? Something like... "This one is a perfect blade for a rookie" (I know same sh*! different day... convince another newbie!)

As an aside - I just a few minutes ago helped my wife wax her underarms. I no longer have the slightest fear of the str8.

She was a little apprehensive of me trying a str8, but after I just saw her pour burning hot wax on a sensitive part of her body, grimace and tear the hair out by the roots leaving what looked to me like subcutaneous bleeding, burns and bruises I think I have her convinced that a nick or two from a str8 is nothing.

Me: Wow, it looks all red, irritated and sore...
She: This is how it is supposed to work, I think it went pretty well.
Me: Hmmm, want to help me pick out a str8?
She: Should I touch up my bikini line?
Me: I am going to go look at B&B....

To be continued!
Check out this video for some inspiration. Makes me want to try a straight, but I just started DE shaving.

Makes YOU wanna try a straight. If I'd seen that vid before I started straight shaving, I'm sure I'd never have touched one. Yet, I must say I'm intrigued. Zero prep, minimal skin stretching not so much as a blink from the aftershave and what looks to be a DFS to boot. Water conserver too.
Makes YOU wanna try a straight. If I'd seen that vid before I started straight shaving, I'm sure I'd never have touched one. Yet, I must say I'm intrigued. Zero prep, minimal skin stretching not so much as a blink from the aftershave and what looks to be a DFS to boot. Water conserver too.

Why not? That guy is a total badass. I would definitely never shave that fast though. Not in 20 years.
I think his name is Willie.

That video received wide coverage on the shaving forums. I'm not so sure that he might have joined and made a few comments.
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