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Ohishi 6/10k

While browsing, I just saw this Ohishi 6/10k stone at a UK seller, and I wondered if anyone has any opinions on Ohishi stones - I haven't seen any mention of them here (though I confess I haven't looked back very far).

6/10k seems like it could be a useful combo, but it sounds a bit expensive (at least from that seller).
I don't know that stone, never heard of them.
Might be good, but at that price a Naniwa SS 3/8k combo seems like a better deal.
I don't know that stone, never heard of them.
Might be good, but at that price a Naniwa SS 3/8k combo seems like a better deal.

Yeah, I just got the Naniwa (for a lot less money) before I saw that, and it just made me wonder about it.
That stone is available everywhere else for about $105 (or 69 of those sinister foreign pound things). I found one UK vendor at 83 pounds, inc VAT.

During my recent stone-buying spree I looked at the Ohishis and concluded that there are essentially no reliable reviews. There's one ecstatic review from a guy who just got them as his first waterstones, and some generally approving mentions from the type of person who approves of anything Lie-Nelson puts in their catalog. Nobody seems to have done comparison testing against the competition.

Some say they're better than Nortons, which could be an ANSI/JIS thing at any given grit, or a reaction to Norton's limited range, or just general anti-Nortonism.

Stuart Tierney said on sawmill creek that he knows nothing about these stones or who makes them, which raised some minor warning flags.

Things which could be in their favor:
* Comparably priced to Nortons and the 2cm Naniwa Superstones
* Wide grit range (600 to 10K)
* Reputedly splash-and-go, which is important to a lot of people
* Available in EU without pricey transatlantic postage/customs

So the Ohishis are on my list of things I might buy if I win a lottery or stumble upon a briefcase full of cash, but having been burned on some Nubatama stones I'll let someone else be a guinea pig.
Thanks Ecl, that's very interesting.

It is strange, but I've noticed a few of the main UK shaving suppliers have waterstones at prices that are way to high - one of them wants £94 (~$140) for a Naniwa 3/8k, but I got mine from a German supplier for €79 (~$104)
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