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Officially done with the 620

I am done with the Semogue 620. I know it isn't broken in but this brush, if you can call it that, is NOT for me. This morning I attempted to use it again, did two passes, changed to my Maggard synthetic and did two more passes.

I, honestly, don't know how anyone can call this thing satisfactory for anything.
That is a shame. Are you bowl lathering or face lathering? What don't you like about it? And what do you like about the Maggards?

Maybe some folks can figure out what is going and recommend a brush that would work better for ya.
That is a shame. Are you bowl lathering or face lathering? What don't you like about it? And what do you like about the Maggards?

Maybe some folks can figure out what is going and recommend a brush that would work better for ya.

I almost strictly face lather although I have bowl lathered with it and didn't like it. What I love about the Maggard is I can load it, either a little cream with my finger or load the soap from the tin, and go at it on my face. The lather explodes and I have enough to shave, I don't know how many passes. With the 620 I can load it and load it and never get the full lather. I know it isn't broken in but I do not have the patience to wait. I also do not think the loft is tall enough for me. I have an Omega Pro '49 that has been used maybe 10 times and it out performs the 620. The Omega is no where broken but has more loft.

Based on my experience I think another synthetic similar to the Maggard or a Simpson type badger, like a commodore or duke (or others), is more for the way I like brushes.


Biblical Innards
Some guy's really like that brush a lot. I have the 830 and it is one of my favorite brushes.
How many shaves do you have with it ? do you soak it first ?
What works for you is the most important factor , spending ton's of money on a brush does not mean it will preform for you.
Some guy's really like that brush a lot. I have the 830 and it is one of my favorite brushes.
How many shaves do you have with it ? do you soak it first ?
What works for you is the most important factor , spending ton's of money on a brush does not mean it will preform for you.
I do all that. I soak it. I know it isn't broken in. I have less than 15 shaves on it. I am looking at others. The two brushes I have work fine so I don't need another brush. The 620 is just upsetting to me.

I read on another thread where they rub the tips on a towel to help them split to speed up break-in time. I haven't done any of that. It basically sits in the cabinet while I reach around it or move it to get other stuff.
Sorry it didn't work for you , Joey. If it is not your cup o' tea, definitely move on and don't look back. Life is too short to use a brush that you don't like.
mine took 20 - 30 shaves to really break in. i was about to throw mine out the window, when bam, one day it just started working great. my 1470 acted the same way. love both brushes.
I had a 615 and a 620, got rid of both. Never could get them to work, and not for lack of trying.
I happen to be one of those who love the 620. But heaven knows there are enough alternatives to choose from. No doubt there's something that will fill the bill for you.
I bought a 610 because I heard so much good stuff about it. I could only get enough lather for one pass. I gave up on it also .
Life is too short to use something you don't like, for whatever reason. PIF it away and move on. My Semogue 830 is one of my favorite brushes, I imagine the 620 would be great for me too. (No I don't want it, have too many brushes now). Lots of folks love synthetics, I am rather meh (they dribble water on my chest no matter how I use them) on the two I have so they don't see much use.
I like my 620 a lot and get great lathers. But if it's not for you, you're wise to just let it go. Shaving equipment is all very much a YMMV sort of thing. And as @BSAGuy and [MENTION=82859]bberg100[/MENTION] say, life is short.
That's a real shame, but I know how you feel. I was so close to binning mine, but on the advice of people on this forum I stuck with it. It is now my favourite brush. Need I say more?


Fussy Evil Genius
That is a very popular brush. Certainly, not everything is for everyone. If you do not care for it, move right along to the next thing or to the last thing you enjoyed.

However, there is no good reason at all to insult the opinions of other users and, thereby, those who hold those opinions.
I can't blame you, I do really enjoy my synthetic brushes. But that said, I used a $7 Omega boar brush for a year (out of necessity, I was living in the bush of Africa) and as it's been said, one day it turned in to a sweet brush. Sometimes boar is funny that way. My son had an Omega beehive brush that he give up on and passed on to me; I worked on it and now its a pretty nice brush. BTW I gave him a synthetic brush I made for him.
I am going to work the bristles on a towel to try and split them. I read that on here.

I also used an omega synthetic as my first brush for a few months. It works fine, a little thin but good loft. I still use it occasionally.
I did not insult anyone so let's not be ridiculous.
Your point is well taken and expanded upon in this thread that you dont like the brush. There are many people on here including myself that use that brush, or in my case the undyed version, and are very happy with it. YYMV on shaving hardware, everyones different. Just move on and use what you like and you will feel better. Boars are a different animal altogether. No need to open a can of worms, how constructive to everybody is that?
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