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Note to self:

After shaving, and admiring the job you did in the mirror of cutting all the hairs off your face with minimal blood drawn....

...do NOT grab a towel and wipe the shave soap off you face with the open razor blade still in your hand.
It does not improve the the blood to hair removal ratio.
Ohhhhh my gosh... are you ok?

A couple weeks ago I was done shaving and was moving my hand from left to right in front of my face to wipe a bit of lather off my right ear and I got too close just under my left ear on the way across. I caught myself with the razor (still in my hand) sideways and left a nice cut.

Pretty minimal but I still felt like a big dummy.

I bet the feeling of stupidity felt worse than the cut(s). I know that is how it is when I do something stupid.:blushing:
Indeed, I wasn't really hurt--mostly just shaved off a few hairs off my eyebrow. It's such a stupid thing to do, though...and thinking how close I came to removing an eye makes me shiver.
I cringed. Glad you're okay - the 'close call' happens to each of us as some point. It's really just a matter of averages. Given that most men are near and using a razor every day for their adult lives, accidents are bound to happen.

Last week, while home ill, I walked into the bathroom as my wife was getting ready in the morning. My 2-year-old was there, and had casually grabbed my razor/brush stand in order to get the brushes. Of course, there was a NEW w/blade and a Boker straight on the stand, as well. This did not seem to concern my wife (who was busy styling her hair), but I can assure you, it was all the warning I needed to find a new place for keeping the razor/brush stand. Everyone was uninjured, but I thought for a second my son might have gotten his theoretical average accident out of the way early. Very, very early.
Ack! Glad to hear you're all right!

Never mind the fact that I just read an account elsewhere of what we shall call... erm... "bilateral enucleation"......
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