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So we were at grandma's house this weekend and I found this. Used to be grandpa's who passed away a couple years ago. Grandma says she thinks there are others around the house:thumbup:. Nothing major but since I just started less than a month ago, this is neat to have. I believe it is 1968 the code is N4.
Any info or comments would be helpful. Gotta clean this up and try it out.
I have one like that. I haven't used it yet, but have heard many great things about the Super Speeds.

Congrats on the new addition.
Sigh. I'd kill for either of my grandfather's razors, but sadly they both passed well before I even started shaving, let alone discovered the proper shave. Nobody knows what happened to their razors :(
Thanks everyone I think I will really enjoy shaving with it. I am looking forward to finding more "treasures" next time I go up. He was a WWII vet I think gillette made a military one would love to find that if he still has it.

Well had my first go with the 68 yesterday and I might just have to say it was my first DFS. Really smooth and so much different from the Merkur 1904 classic open comb. I can see where the Merkur would be more useful if I hadn't shaved in a few days as it seems a bit more aggressive. My face just felt cooler and smoother after this shave and it was really nice. Think I will go with the 68 for everyday and move on to exploring soaps, creams, brushes, and blades... :detective:
How great is than!! Not only the family connection but getting good results too.

There is a reason than millions started their day with a Super Speed shave.
Very nice, use Scrubbing Bubbles and toothbrush to clean it


Dates in Production: 1966-1986

Type: DE, TTO

Weight: 46-g

Description: Black handle is resin coated metal.

Notes of Interest: In 1978 the base plate changed to a square design. In 1979 the knurling changed from a square pattern to a diamond pattern. In the same general time frame, Gillette dropped the old Gillette Arrow logo for text-only branding using a distinctive font.


Gillette Black Handle Super Speed

Nice razor. It being your Grandad's makes it all the better. I wish I knew what razor my Grandad had shaved with...a part of me started shaving with a DE razor cos I always remember my Grandad shaving on a Sunday morning with one when we occassionally stayed over on weekends as kids.
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