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newbie question: what's a Swede?

Forgive my obtuseness, but I keep seeing references to Swedes and don't see anything in the FAQ about them. What, in the shaving lexicon, are Swedes? Swedish-made Gilettes, maybe? Am I correct in assuming that they are no longer manufactured? And what is/was so great about them?

N.B. I have already thought of the most obvious humorous responses ("a person of Swedish descent," "another name for a rutabaga," etc.), so no need to post them. :lol:
And I thought I had such a clever comeback when I saw your thread title! Sigh.
So much for that meatball comeback. :lol:

Good to know about, but do NOT pursue them. Don't get hooked on discontinued blades or it'll cost you. In the end you'll have to give them up anyways.
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