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New straight shaver with wicked coarse beard seeks advice

I have a properly honed razor from ruprazor and his philly strop. I am using VDH deluxe soap and a badger brush. I seem to be having trouble hacking through my stainless steel type whiskars. Any advise or words of wisdom for a newbie.
What is your prep? I have the beard from hell. I take a towel, get it wet then put it in the micro-wave for 2 minutes (would depend on the power of your unit) just before I start a shower. Use some hair conditioner in the shower on your beard. When I am done with the shower I take the towel and hold it to my chin and cheeks till it cools down a little.
I then wrap it around my neck and tuck it into itself in the back of my neck while I strop and make lather. This helps a lot for me. One more thing that helps me, if it has been a couple of day since my last shave, is to do 2 very light WTG passes before moving on to the rest of my shave.

Take Care,
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I don't shave with a straight, regardless, its all about prearation and getting your stainless steel beard a little softer before shaving.

Here's the ticket, which gets referred to constantly here at B&B (Kyles's prep) for very good reason, its the quint essential guide and explanation to preparation http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=9745 :thumbup:

Hope that helps. Otherwise you may want to search the straight razor section for some further advice.
What the previous posters said about prep. Beyond that take it slow and don't feel bad about finishing your shave with a DE for awhile. It takes time to get the hang of blade angle, skin stretching and just manipulating the blade in a coordinated fashion. My first two or three weeks I always had to finish the shave with a DE.

Learning the direction of your beard and how to attack the various parts. With patience and persistence it comes along but not overnight IME. IMO stay away from ATG and just do WTG and maybe XTG for awhile until you see some progress in razor handling.
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