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"New" Question

As I'm shaving with my Gillette New, the hair gets all caught between the teeth, under the blade, and it kind of clogs and doesn't cut cleanly unless I rinse it very thoroughly...i.e. take the razor apart mid-shave. Is this supposed to happen? Should I have a better rinsing process?
You have to take the razor apart? If hair's getting between the blade and the razor, maybe you need to tighten it down more. My News have never clogged on me, even with days worth of overgrowth. What blades do you use?
It definitely sounds like something is amiss. I recently took off six days growth (a decent start to a beard) with a NEW loaded with a new feather blade. Worked like a charm.


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Strange, mine doesn't do that. I do diassemble it at the end of the shave but never during. If I rinse it, it's usually enough.
Two questions. What are you using for lather and how long are your beard hairs? I have no problem with my New, long or short comb. But I shave every day so my beard is never very long.

How frequently do you rinse the razor when shaving? Personally, I use one side for a pass, then turn it over to the other side and make another pass. I then rinse in standing water in the sink and repeat. I have never had a problem with clogging. I know many, many people here use the same technique. I can see how clogging could occur with multiple passes between rinsing.
Well I had 6 days of growth, and very thick hair, so I assume that was mostly the problem. It was screwed together tightly, just getting clogged on the exposed underside of the blade between the combs. I'm using a cheap lather right now....Old Spice aerosol...but I don't think that's what is clogging the razor. I would take 3-4 passes per side without rinsing too, which is definitely another big part of the problem.

Thanks for the help guys, I'll try rinsing more often and see how that works.
Once in a while I will see a chopped off hair 'stuck' between the blade and a comb tooth.

Certainly I've never had it happen to the point where it's even noticeable from a usability perspective. I am talking about 2-3 hairs after 3 shaves.
No wonder. If I went 3 passes without rinsing I wouldn't be able to see my hand for all the lather. I sometimes rinse before I'm through with a pass.
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