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New purchases: Xxx and ultimate comfort


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
Razorock XXX is one of my new creams. It's typical RR in that it makes a mountain of lather. This is a fairly hard croap and I like to scoop out a dollop of cream rather than use the brush. I find that this cream/croap works best for me if I spread it around a bit in my scuttle with my thumb before lathering. Nice smell, good value. It seems very cheap at first, but it's a small container (and a cheap container - but what can you do?).

My other new cream is Trufitt & Hill Ultimate Comfort. This stuff is wonderful. It's much softer than the RR and is quite concentrated ( a little goes a long way) in a good sized container. I've used it twice now and both shaves were wonderful. It leaves my skin feeling great and makes a huge pile of lather. I cut down the amount on the second shave, but still used way too much. This one is competing with CF Lavender for my favorite cream.
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