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New Kent BK8 Arrived Today

What a brush. Beautiful presentation, quality seems to be top notch and it feels great in my hand. The bristles are soft, but I can tell there is some backbone. The knot is dense and the shape is gorgeous. I can't wait to shave tomorrow morning and give it a go.

Is there anything special I need to do to break it in? I know I'm posting this late. I will likely just soak it in warm water while I shower in the morning and just lather up some TOBS Coconut and have a go with it. I'm guessing I will get copious amounts of lather in short order, if the reports on this brush are accurate.

A brand new BK8 from our own B/S/T, for a killer price. I really love this place.
I'm sure there's lots of threads on this. With my new brushes, I've washed them thoroughly in hot water, then lathered up a favorite cream and let the brush sit covered in lather overnight. It seems to help soften it up a little. Rinse in the morning and go for it!
No need to do anything special. Make a first test lather, if you wish, and then go for it - bowl or face lathering. Use more product than usual, it loads plenty easily. Just be careful, the knot holds a lot of water, so squeeze it at the base to remove some of it from inside the knot.
I love mine. Don't wait too long to face lather with it. It may seem funny.... but it's pure luxury and does a great job. Be sure to use plenty of product.

If it is a used shaving brush it is up to you what or how much you want to clean it before you use it.

I will typically wash a used brush in an antibacterial dish washing soap. Dish washing soap tends to dry them out so I will give it a little lather with some hair conditioner, rinse it thoroughly then let it dry completely. Then drop it in barbicide for about 10 minutes and rinse it completely once again. this can turn the tips blue sometimes but it goes away after a couple of lathering

I AM NOT recommending this to you, just saying what I do.... What you do is up to you.
You'll need pics of your other shave brushes for the BST :biggrin1:

Luckily, I spent quite a bit of time looking and waiting and learning. I almost pulled the trigger on several brushes in the $50-$60 range, but for some reason didn't. I knew early that I wanted a Kent, so I made due with the VHT boar brush I bought at Walgreen's when I started...for 2 years. This brush presented itself and even though it was still wasn't a great time for me to spend this much money, it was too good a deal to pass up. I don't think my VHT boar will fetch much on the B/S/T, although I know I won't need another brush from now on.

Thanks everyone for the compliments and advice. Turtle, the information I got from the seller is that he never used the brush and the person he bought it from maybe used it once or twice. I did wash it out with antibacterial soap really well last night, after I posted here. I didn't use boiling water, but since I don't keep my hot water tank scalding hot I used some water off the boil and let it cool for about 10-15 minutes, which means it should have been about 180 degrees or so. I was concerned about pouring 200+ degree water on the bristles. I actually used quite a bit of soap and made quite a nice pile of lather in a glass bowl we have. I should have taken a picture of it! I decided not to shave today (day off) and will wash the brush again today and let it dry. The conditioner is a great tip though, I will use that for sure.

I don't have any barbicide. I have seen your setup and I'm keeping an eye out for a jar to keep some in. Side note, I found a nice antique barbers jar at an antique shop....sticker said it was from the early 1900's, but it was for combs and was entirely too large and deep for what I want or need. I just need a little jar like you have.

I think I'll skip the barbicide on the brush. I've learned here not to be OVERLY OCD about these things. I understand there are certain risks, but all I can do is mitigate them to the best of my ability. I do suffer from some OCD regarding things, so I will have to clean it until I feel comfortable, but I don't want to risk damage to the beautiful bristles this brush has.

I can tell by looking at the bristles vs pic of other Kent brushes in full bloom that this brush has seen extremely little use...maybe none. The bristles look exactly like the pics on the Kent website (before I washed it). I took some pics, so I'll post them up a bit later.
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Using hot water can damage the hair (just like it can damage your hair). Warm is all you should shoot for


System Generated
I soak mine in hot water daily (bristles, not handles), as I do with all my brushes and have seen no damage to them. For used brushes, I just do a soak in hot water and some mild soap (dawn) or a couple test lathers and soaks and let dry then use.

Enjoy your new Kent BK8, it's an amazing face lathering and bowl lather brush.

Don't be afraid to lather hard pucks with it and face lather it. It can pick up soap like nobodies business and works excellent as a face lathering brush.
I soak mine in hot water daily (bristles, not handles), as I do with all my brushes and have seen no damage to them. For used brushes, I just do a soak in hot water and some mild soap (dawn) or a couple test lathers and soaks and let dry then use.

Enjoy your new Kent BK8, it's an amazing face lathering and bowl lather brush.

Don't be afraid to lather hard pucks with it and face lather it. It can pick up soap like nobodies business and works excellent as a face lathering brush.

+1 to this except I use warm water instead of hot.I also face lather almost exclusively and while it isn't scrubby dang if it isn't like face lathering with a cloud :biggrin1:


System Generated
+1 to this except I use warm water instead of hot.I also face lather almost exclusively and while it isn't scrubby dang if it isn't like face lathering with a cloud :biggrin1:

warm or hot, they both work. I don't boil or run the tap to get it piping hot, but hot enough to be pleasant.

It may be my favourite face lathering brush :thumbup1:
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