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New Glock 25, .380

Buddy has local gun shop, he finally got the .380, Glock 25.

It is same size as the Glock 26, 27, and 33.

Sure they will sell well, but still this size don’t hell hood in my hand.

I a fan of Medium FRAME Glock, why.

Feels good when I shoot.

Case rested.
Buddy has local gun shop, he finally got the .380, Glock 25.

It is same size as the Glock 26, 27, and 33.

Sure they will sell well, but still this
I a fan of Medium FRAME Glock, why.

Feels good when I shoot.

Case rested.
Feel of gun is the number one selling point for me. Don't really care about brand as long as it's not a.....
Nope, not going there.:001_smile
Read reviews well....apparently they have "issues" . This is different to the 380 that has been sold in Europe for many many years (that one works well).
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