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New found love with my '11 LE Bristle 1

After many test lathers with my most drying soap(Williams) and many periods of neglect due to frustration, it's ready. It lathered up some MWF great and it's finally broken in and soft. Still gets its bed-head though. I thought this dense beast would never bend to my will, but now I triumphantly face lather with a great brush. The softness is especially nice since I've been experiencing some bestshave 6 brush burn. I've noticed a trend however with semogues. Their breach seems to open up inbetween passes, is it a desperate gasp from a thirsty brush? Another thing I have found is that I get better lather from MWF if I just run water over and in the brush vs. Soaking it. Has anyone else tried this? I was soaking for a few times, but kept getting lousy lather and razor burn. After that I returned to my non-soaking state and it has yielded great results!
I also have waited a long time for this brush to break in. I think it is a good brush, not great although it is outstanding as far as boar brushes go. As for the bed-head, it seems to never go away. In contrast, the Bristle 2 does not have bed-head and broke in much faster (almost a year). Therefore I like the Bristle 2 better. Anyway, I do not soak the brush, just let the water run on it for a minute and shake off the excess and usually get a fine result if I take the time to load the brush properly. Problem for me is that I barely get enough lather for two passes-I don't know why it doesn't hold more lather.

I am of the opinion that Semogue screwed up their Bristle 1 line and marketed it anyway.
I also have waited a long time for this brush to break in. I think it is a good brush, not great although it is outstanding as far as boar brushes go. As for the bed-head, it seems to never go away. In contrast, the Bristle 2 does not have bed-head and broke in much faster (almost a year). Therefore I like the Bristle 2 better. Anyway, I do not soak the brush, just let the water run on it for a minute and shake off the excess and usually get a fine result if I take the time to load the brush properly. Problem for me is that I barely get enough lather for two passes-I don't know why it doesn't hold more lather.

I am of the opinion that Semogue screwed up their Bristle 1 line and marketed it anyway.
I haven't tried the bristle 2, but I agree with the screw up. The brush and bristles are good quality. The only problem seems to be the stacking of the bristles in the knot. It's deffinately a great brush once it's well broken in. I wonder when the '12's will be produced?
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