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New find, new mug, new question.

I picked this up at a local store over the weekend. I didn't even know that they carried shaving gear. They had this (in white as well), some DE's, Col. Conk's (Amber, Lime, & Almond), Wilkinson blades, along with some other random goodies. :thumbup1:

My post is in regards to the shave mug...for those who have used a similar-styled mug, do you find the tapered base to be too narrow? In the few times that I have used it I have found that the hairs of my brush tends not to splay out, but rather to stay tight together. :confused1

Your thoughts?


  • $IMAG0137.jpg
    20.2 KB · Views: 67
Mugs such as you have or Old Spice mugs have one annoying thing for me...the brush handle knocking against the inside of the mug. I like lower shave dishes or bowls. No racket.

Yes, I agree. I also have a similar issue with the little, blue bowl which I picked up way back when with the VDH boar brush. I also tend to clang when using a larger, regular kitcher bowl...but perhaps that is because I am too exuberant in my mixing. :lol:
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