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New DE Shaver

After shaving with multiblade cartridges my entire shaving life I have had enough. I bought an everything DE Shaving Kit from an internet vendor, (I don't know the rules about using vendor names on this site), that included a Merkur HD. I did two shaves with the Merkur blade and tossed it. Have been using the Shark SC blades this week with much better results. Derby up for tomorrows shave and Astra next in line. Other than feather what is a good blade for my razor? The Shark seems smooth and forgiving but not as close as I would like.
Feather is not always a good blade for everyone. I can't really use them at all. If the Sharks are working well for you, you can stick with them until you get good technique down, and then try out some other blades to see if they are better. But there are so many blades out there. You could try looking at Gillette's 7 O'Clock line blades. They have a number of different ones (usually notated by the color of the packaging, i.e yellow, blue, black, green).
Also, you can drop into the Shave Clinic forum to introduce yourself and ask questions there. A lot of helpful people waiting to give out answers there.
Welcome to DE shaving and the B&B. Enjoy your education. I recently tried the cold water shave if you are looking to try something different. I find it refreshingly amazing. Good shaves to you.
Welcome! you find a good deal of opinions on blades, what it comes down to is you will have to please yourself. I am pretty lucky as I have not found a blade that gives me trouble, I prefer a sharper blade for closeness as I am fussy about a close shave and yes I do get minor nicks sometimes, but after cold water splash and shower, they stop bleeding. Since switching to DE, my complexion has improved greatly and smoothed out, so I don't get nicked as often. Blade I have the most of is Astra SP because they are sharp and I can get 100 for around $13 postage paid!
The Merkur blade that came with my 38c HD was pretty fantastic, even though I used it in a different razor (that does make a difference). Still, they cost too much for their performance. One of my very favorite blades (regardless of price) is the Astra SP. It also works wonders in my Merkur razor. It's also almost free.....about $9 per 100 from Amazon, including shipping. Try them in your Merkur. You can spend more on a few cups of coffee at the local Quick Check, while 100 sweet Astras will keep your face in tune for a year...
You may want to try Personna too. I use a DE 89 with a Feather but switch up with Personna. I didn't have good results with Derby blades in my HD or DE89...definitely needed a sharper blade but YMMV. Once you find a good blade for you, order more and stick with it for awhile to get your technique down. I would recommend using the same razor, blade, brush, and soap/cream for the first few weeks.
Welcome to B&B!!
The best blade I have found so far I'd the Gillette 7 O'CLock Blacks. Super sharp, but I have yet to get nicked with it. Just an amazing razor! I haven't tried some Silver Blues I picked up, but I am sure after experimenting a little more, I will make a bulk purchase of these great Blacks. Good luck in your quest for the perfect blade for you. I think everyone is different in what they like/dislike.
If you like the Sharks, you'll probably like the other blade offerings from Lord, as well. The Racer and ASCO brands from Lord are generally well regarded around here. I like trying as many different blades as I can, since every new blade is a potentially new experience where I don't quite know what to expect. Happy shaving, and welcome to B&B!
Should have mentioned I use the Gillette 7 Oclock Yellows mainly with my HD (something other than a feather).

Can 100% recommend them.
sharks are better than derbys but ymmv
enjoy and good luck and NEVER toss blades. as your technique improves you'll come back to them. trust me
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