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Best cartridge system for a DE user?

I didn't have much luck locating inexpensive TracII, or Bic Metal, handles and cartridges, in small quantities.

After searching through my drawers and closets, I found about 20 unused Mach3 cartridges, probably 20 years old -- but no handle. A few people mentioned those as DE-replacement candidates.

I looked through Temu, and found an Iguetta-branded plastic handle which was Mach3-compatible. It cost me $3 Cdn _including postage_.

I just tested the handle with a NOS cartridge and wet lather -- it shaves pretty well! So that will be my travel setup.

Thanks to all --

. Charles

PS --- the Mach3 was first sold in 1998, and you can still buy them in pharmacies. That's not a bad lifetime, in a field that's based on "planned obsolescence".


My exploding razor knows secrets
I'm a long-term DE user. My usual shave kit is a mild-to-medium razor (DE89, Merkur Progress on 1.5-2, Pearl Flexi on 2) with an Astra SP blade.

I'm going on a cruise, and the cruise organizer does not allow DE razors -- cartridges only. They _do_ allow shaving brushes and soap. I have an electric razor, but I haven't used it for decades, and I never liked it.

. . . Which of the current cartridge systems comes closest to my DE setup?

Thanks --

. Charles
Some disposable medical prep razors are available for purchase online.

They even offer a model with DE blades built in, which is the closest thing to a DE razor that I know of.
Of course you can reuse it until the blade becomes dull.

Some people even manage to take it apart and replace it with their favorite blade, but always keep an eye on your finger safety.
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