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Best cartridge system for a DE user?

I'm a long-term DE user. My usual shave kit is a mild-to-medium razor (DE89, Merkur Progress on 1.5-2, Pearl Flexi on 2) with an Astra SP blade.

I'm going on a cruise, and the cruise organizer does not allow DE razors -- cartridges only. They _do_ allow shaving brushes and soap. I have an electric razor, but I haven't used it for decades, and I never liked it.

. . . Which of the current cartridge systems comes closest to my DE setup?

Thanks --

. Charles


Check Out Chick
Staff member
You could try a Gillette Guard or a BIC Metal. They are disposable razors that work much like a DE or SE razor. I have used the BIC Metal and it’s pretty good. They are light in weight but they do work.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I have some BIC metal stashed away for if I have to travel without checked luggage.


I smell like a Christmas pudding
The Bic Metal is an excellent disposable but if you specifically want a cartridge razor then I recommend the Gillette Trac 2. Whatever you choose I would go with a fixed head, minimal numbers of blades, and no lubra strip.


Born to häckla
I second the BIC metal or even the lowly BIC sensitive. Both are single blades and fixed head. Very affordable and to me the most similar to a DE, but for the weight. Pick up a few and make a couple of test runs before the cruise.
The Gillette Guard is a single blade cartridge system where the cartridge swivels to follow the shape of the face. It is reasonably priced from Indian vendors. You can get 24 cartridges and a pair of handles for under $15 postage included. You can order them online, but I've never seen them in stores.

The BIC Metal is pretty good. I used them for years when traveling. They are extremely light and shave more like an injector razor.
I also recommend the Gillette Guard.

It's a cheap, plastic handle with a single blade pivoting head that is designed for people with limited access to clean, fresh water. The design of the head is kind of like an open comb. It has absolutely no right shaving as well as it does, and the actual blades seem surprisingly durable. It's a better shaver than the Trac II in my opinion, even though I am not mad about pivoting heads.
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Ditto, ditto
My travel kit is a 1971 NDC (4th Qtr) Gillette Trac II. I get cartridges with no lube strip from Phil at Bullgoose.

A lot of gents like the Bic Metal. I got a pack of them but have never tried them.

I travel with a Tabac stick and a of pair of synthetic brushes; I don't want to deal with bowls of soap and such.


Dances with Wolfs
All three solutions mentioned here are good, with differences.

Trac II is a non pivot twin blade. Feels like an SE…like an injector. But the shaving angle is definitely more like a cartridge razor. It’s a substantial razor. Depending on the handle, it can be light or heavy. There are tons of different handles and blades available, including new production and NOS options for reasonable prices. With the right blade and handle combo for you, the Trac II could offer excellent shave efficiency. But for one that suffers from RAD, this could be yet another rabbit hole, with all of the handle and blade choices, NOS options, the used market.

Guard has a pivoting head. It is predominantly sold like a disposable, but it is really a cartridge razor. In India, there are cheap replacement cartridges available, that you can also buy online globally. But the head does sit flat on the face, and pivot like the more robust Gillette cartridge systems. So it completely departs from the tactile feeling of wet shaving, and moves firmly into a cartridge feel. It gives acceptable shaves, but in my experience, it has the least efficiency of the three systems.

The BIC Metal is a fixed head, and it is disposable. It is a fully plastic head and handle with a metal safety bar. As mentioned, it is super light weight. But provides a very competent shave. It feels nice when shaving. It feels very much like an SE or DE razor. The shave angle is a bit more comparable with a DE or SE shave, so it is the most familiar to me. Efficiency is acceptable for travel days. The light weight doesn’t bother me. And I very much prefer my DE razors heavy. The metal bar feels good on the face. It is definitely a disposable and feels that way. It works well for travel.

I have and use all three. When I travel with a carry-on, I usually pick the Metal. I just like it the best for travel when I don’t check a bag. And I travel a lot. So they get used. Just stocked up on the Metal before the 2025 Sabbatical kicked off.


Dances with Wolfs
I just saw Bill’s post pop up above mine. I too travel with a shave stick and brush. Usually Arko. But I do switch up the stick on occasion. I use a 23mm Muhle STF brush. And a travel size aftershave.

I have a dedicated travel kit in a Maxpedition bag. When I check a bag, I have a selection of DE razors that I rotate. And a bag of blades. When I carry-on, I simply swap the DE and blade bag for one of the three choices I wrote about above. Easy peasy. Usually the Metal gets the nod.

When I go on a particularly long trip, I always check luggage. I will often throw in an extra DE razor and a tub of soap. Sometimes a full size splash too.

Life on the road is good!
My favorite modern cartridge razor is the Defender (defenderrazor.com). The cartridges have three blades, but they are widely spaced so they are easy to rinse clean.
The original cart razor (Trac II) still a stellar and affordable shaver.
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