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New DE shaver (3x). To those thinking about it...keep it simple.

Simply, this board is overwhelmingly deep in its passion for shaving and the gear "needed" to get a good shave. I'll keep my experience simple...

Three shaves right out of the shower. Two with hot water on my face and brush and one with cold tap water.

I used canned gel and rubbed it on my face for 20ish seconds and had the closest shave of my life. Maybe I have a special low maintenance face, but other than regular post shave lotion, I don't need anything else. Keeping it simple works for me.

Not a scrape or cut...I prefer cold water as well. I don't romanticize the process, but I do like this perfect shave.
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Yeah, I've used Edge and Barbasol when I shave. While it is convenient, I still like pampering myself. But glad you're happy with it! More than likely I'll be doing what you are already doing in college
do what works for you. I personally dislike the canned gels. not lubricating or moisturizing enough. plus it feels and smells great so its a plus. a perk in the morning. I buy lots of arko. it's still cheaper than your canned gel by the way
Same here, the good old barbasol work fine for me. Shower, pre shave scream and the original foam without scent. STILL I dislike very much Gillette goo, especially the green can with the lemon smell.
I actually havn't used any of the canned stuff in like 12 years since I discoverd cream from the Body Shop and began using a brush. I'm curious as to seeing what it's like with a DE razor so I picked up a couple of travel-size cans. One of Barbosol and one Gillette Fomey.....
I'm relatively new to DE shaving myself, but I've always been a mug soap and brush shaver, from the first scrape of my peach fuzz nearly 40 years ago. I've used canned shave cream only a few times out of necessity and never liked it. However, I agree that one coming into DE shaving can find the emphasis on products in these forums to be a bit daunting. Good basic beard prep with water, a good soap (such as the Van der Hagen that you can buy at Wal-Mart) and brush, a razor and blade that works for you, and that's all you really need.
I say stick eith what works for you. I used a brush and mug when I was a teenager for a bit, but didnt have great results, when I started using a brush and mug recently it was a bit better, but face lathering works the best for me. I use it because I think it is fun and brings some new to an old chore that I despised. I always got good shaves with barbrasol, even with the green goo stuff, probably will keep using that when I am traveling just for convenience and because I am a bit lazy.
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