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New Brut attitude locion

So I stopped into wally world to check out the new plastic AV in person, and what did I find? New "Brut attitude locion" aftershave in a , get this, blue GLASS bottle. Picked one up and it smells good. It's a fresh aqua scent but in a good way. Anyone else had a go with this stuff?
I picked up a bottle last week. I used it once the other day and my wife exclaimed that it was pretty strong...a couple of hours after I applied it. The only other splash she's remarked upon in a similar way was AV-Musk. She didn't dislike the scent with either of them, she just happened to notice that in both cases the scent remained potent for quite some time.

Tonight was my second try. I literally just finished up an evening shave with that as my splash. It's not bad, but it will never take the place of AV for my "cheap & good" spot.

It really is a nice glass bottle. Heavy, blue, and with that distinctive long neck that Brut has always had.
Wow. I wish I could find some of this stuff. I just checked my local Wal-Mart, CVS, Walgreen's and my local grocery store. Found a little extra glass bottled Aqua Velva, but no blue Brut. I can't even find a picture of it online. Anyone got a source?
Wow. I wish I could find some of this stuff. I just checked my local Wal-Mart, CVS, Walgreen's and my local grocery store. Found a little extra glass bottled Aqua Velva, but no blue Brut. I can't even find a picture of it online. Anyone got a source?

Jeez, I can't find a pic of it online anywhere. Weird. Basically, it's your normal Brut bottle, but it's sort of a cobalt blue with a silver plastic screw top. The bottle's nice, but it still has junky decals on it. But hey, for $7.xx you get what you get.

I would definitely classify this in the same group as AV-Musk for power of scent. It lasts and lasts, and if you're not careful, people are going to think you bathed in it. I like to be heavy handed with my splashes, so I have to be extra careful.
The bottle looks a lot like Brut Actif blue. Cant seem to find a description of actif blue anywhere. Anyone know what it smelled like? This could be a reissue of that scent.
I was just at Wally World with my brother when I saw this Brut. I pulled out my phone to search for Brut Attitude on google, and this thread was the first result. I read the first post about seeing plastic AV in person, screamed at my brother about plastic AV, then picked it up and screamed some more. When did it change to plastic?! My brother thought t odd that I had to find out about the plastic AV on the Internet instead of in front of my face.
I use a blue bottled Brut, but a different one;

I still can't find anything on the internet about this product outside this thread. I'm tempted to stock up, because I really love the stuff. I'm scared it might disappear. I checked another Wally World, and no Brut there. :001_huh:
I checked out my Wal-mart today, they have it. I passed on the purchase because it smells just a little to "generic" to me, but then again my nose picks out about 4 notes... really nice, pretty nice, nice, and yuk:lol: BTW, the Brut falls in the "pretty nice" category. Reminds me of the Adidas Deep Energy I got as a gift while back. Adidas comes on a flask shaped glass bottle and I really like the performance.
I was just in in my local Wally world, and while lamenting at the row of plastic AV bottles my gaze landed on this new Brut. The glass bottle was the first pleasant surprise, but to me the scent is quite close to the late, lamented Skin Bracer Blue. I'll have to give this a face test tomorrow.
I was just in in my local Wally world, and while lamenting at the row of plastic AV bottles my gaze landed on this new Brut. The glass bottle was the first pleasant surprise, but to me the scent is quite close to the late, lamented Skin Bracer Blue. I'll have to give this a face test tomorrow.

Heh, that's funny. I just had the Skin Bracer Cooling Blue in one hand and the Blue Brut in the other earlier this evening. They don't smell anything alike when sniffed next to each other. I like the SB better. The Brut I am still undecided on.
Hmmm, well it's been a long time since I smelled the SB so I could be mistaken.
The drydown is VERY different with the Brut having a prominent cedar note.
I didn't find this new stuff to be all that potent for me, definitely less than the A/V Musk, that stuff really does stay strong for a long time.

For me, I would put it right in the middle for strength of scent and how long it lingers. Like in between the Adidas Dynamic Pulse stuff, I absolutely love the smell of that but it is very light and can only smell if for a minute or so after I put it on, and Pinaud Clubman which can be smelled for miles, hours after it is applied. :biggrin1:
I finally bought a bottle of this Aftershave (mostly for the super sweet glass bottle). To my nose this smells nearly identical to the Brut Revolution Aftershave.

I don't recall if the Brut Revolution had menthol in it, but this product does.

I was not a huge fan of the Revolution scent, and am not a huge fan of this scent either.

No great loss, and I mostly wanted it for a cool bottle to decant into. It will probably eventually hold some Barbasol Pacific Rush, or Skin Bracer Blue. :tongue_sm
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