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I can't say I've heard of the company, but judging from the pictures you ought to have a nice vintage blade that should shave as well as any.

Good pick-up!
She is indeed, just got her today and my what an evil little edge she holds no fears about it keeping an edge that's for sure whoever honed her really knew how to put a wicked sharp edge on a razor, going to be a lot of fun shaving for the first time.

Bit of rust in places but i've cleaned the worst of it off with some wadding just a matter of time, pins are nice and tight tang and the blade is straight and the scales are gorgeous you can see though the ripples it's lovely.

I'll post pics soon as i feel she's cleaned up a bit better. :)

Oh and she has a decorated back albeit a bit worn but still there-ish.

Just noticed, the back has soligen running down it lovely.
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Yeah of course soon as im happy i've cleaned her up enough the edge may even top my vintage ti which caught me out by surprise.

Says mountain rose on the blade and merril barber supplies obviously they didn't make it but whoever did put together a lovely blade.

I think it's a 6/8" half hollow but i haven't had time to look on the srp charts yet.
Ok quick little teaser pic.

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