Just got this 
Forgive the terrible webcam pics... not pulling out my Sony A99 right now
First pic shows the new knot between a 30mm manchurian knot and a 26mm rooney heritage.
Second is the same. The 30mm manchurian has a similar loft to the heritage so it's quite a bit more dense and is my go to for hard soaps.
Third pic is the manchurian knot, fourth is the rooney heritage and fifth is the new super silvertip badger.

Forgive the terrible webcam pics... not pulling out my Sony A99 right now
First pic shows the new knot between a 30mm manchurian knot and a 26mm rooney heritage.
Second is the same. The 30mm manchurian has a similar loft to the heritage so it's quite a bit more dense and is my go to for hard soaps.
Third pic is the manchurian knot, fourth is the rooney heritage and fifth is the new super silvertip badger.