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Never Ending Travel Box

So, I just went back a few pages, and didn't see any pictures. :-( I haven't really been keeping up with the box lately, and it's been a *long* time since I had it. Would love to see some photos of what's in there! Pretty please?
So, I just went back a few pages, and didn't see any pictures. :-( I haven't really been keeping up with the box lately, and it's been a *long* time since I had it. Would love to see some photos of what's in there! Pretty please?
Tim, I will do my very best to post some pictures of the goodies during my time with it!
The Neverending Travel Box

What Is It
The Box contains a lot of shave related items and some other B&B interests as well, you can try whatever you like and add anything at all for the next people to try, as long as it is B&B related. This box is for new guys so if all you have to add back in is a pack of blades, im cool with that, if you really have nothing to add back in, im good with that as well, there are some experienced guys on the list who can help keep it full The Box is Canada/USA only, due to shipping regulations.

how it works
11 people are on the list, if you want on it subscribe to the thread, when the person who has the box posts that the box has shipped, the first member to declare they want in, will claim the open spot at the bottom of the list.

The Rules

1. When you get the box Post in this thread
2. When you ship the box, post in this thread
3. Have fun and do your best to take pictures and share your thoughts in this thread about what you have tried
4. No complaining, like AT ALL, failure with this one will have you removed from the list
5. If you think you have a real problem, PM me and we will work it out

01. Aspirin54
02. Rarandy
03. Enquerencia
04. Chevelleguy0
05. bpdavidson
06. eventi
07. kevdogg329
08. shivas22
09. spaz
10. floyd923
11. TexLaw
The tracking says that the box has arrived, but I won't be home until tomorrow evening to check it out. I'll post some pics of the grand unveiling!
As promised, some pics of the box...

As is before opening it.


Just after i opened it. Wow! Can you believe what will fit in one of these boxes?


Mount Saint Soapia! There were soooo many different ones, some that I had never heard of!


Still not not to the bottom, but there were tubes of shave cream, a box of vintage Gillettes, an injector, shave sticks, blades, oh my...and more soaps and creams!


I tried the MdC this morning, and liked it quite well. I'm going to try the Mickey Lee Italian Stallion tomorrow. Not sure about Saturday, but I'm pretty sure that after reading the warning on the baggie, it won't be the bacon scented soap! :lol:
Thanks for the pics! Tons of goodies in there. I strongly suggest trying some of the vintage razors; after my spin with the box, I immediately bought a vintage NEW LC. Best razor I've ever tried, hands down.
Thanks for the pics! Tons of goodies in there. I strongly suggest trying some of the vintage razors; after my spin with the box, I immediately bought a vintage NEW LC. Best razor I've ever tried, hands down.
I definitely agree with you! I have an old type, new improved and NEW SC, LC and goodwill. They are all remarkable shavers!
Package is in the mail to Asprin54! Tracking number 9114901123086490330884

I tried several of the soaps, and I really like the MdC!! I didn't take anything from the box, but I added some Col. Conk soap, shavette and about 80-100 DE blades, some aftershave lotion and I repaired one of the vintage Gillette razor handles. I would have repaired the other, but I didn't have enough of the aluminum rod. Just a note to future receipients that have never used a vintage Gillette, the handles are not that heavy. Extra weight was added because of the aluminum rod that was used to repair it.

thanks for allowing me to share in The Never Ending Travel Box, and enjoy your time with it Mike!

The Neverending Travel Box

What Is It
The Box contains a lot of shave related items and some other B&B interests as well, you can try whatever you like and add anything at all for the next people to try, as long as it is B&B related. This box is for new guys so if all you have to add back in is a pack of blades, im cool with that, if you really have nothing to add back in, im good with that as well, there are some experienced guys on the list who can help keep it full The Box is Canada/USA only, due to shipping regulations.

how it works
11 people are on the list, if you want on it subscribe to the thread, when the person who has the box posts that the box has shipped, the first member to declare they want in, will claim the open spot at the bottom of the list.

The Rules

1. When you get the box Post in this thread
2. When you ship the box, post in this thread
3. Have fun and do your best to take pictures and share your thoughts in this thread about what you have tried
4. No complaining, like AT ALL, failure with this one will have you removed from the list
5. If you think you have a real problem, PM me and we will work it out

01. Rarandy
02. Enquerencia
03. Chevelleguy0
04. bpdavidson
05. eventi
06. kevdogg329
07. shivas22
08. spaz
09. floyd923
10. TexLaw

11. FoolishMortal
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