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Need Recomendation on Razor

Been using my great granpas 1924 gillette new standard for a month or so now, loving every shave. Using VDH soap with boar brush and a sampler pack of derby vertical (ehhh...), bluebird (a machete would make me bleed less), 7 o'clock green and lord platinum (both give nice smooth shaves with minimal irritation) followed up with pinaud clubman. Im doing WTG, relather and a gental ATG and touchups

all in all.... IM HOOKED...NEVER GOING BACK to cartdriges

My only complaint is although i cherish the razor i have, i want something different. Perhaps a longer handle, a lil less head heavy? maybe a closed comb? Im no expert, just need something to compare this beautiful 1924 Gillette with. Nothing too expensive or difficult to use.

thoughts? help a fellow out here! thanks gents! :thumbup:
I can't argue with the Super Speed. I have a Merkur 34c, Merkur 39c, Muhle 89r, and a Gillette Slim and a Gillette Super Speed. I paid $9 for the Super Speed and it is my favorite.
I'd go for a Super Speed as well. But expect the shave to be different. The New Standard is a more aggressive razor. If you want a somewhat similar shave you might want to try an Old Type ball end. They are not expensive. Just make sure the head is solid on the handle and any cracks in the handle are small. I actually prefer it to the New Standard.

Can't go wrong with a super speed. I prefer the 40s style. Check out West Coast Shaving for a Merkur HD. Last time I checked, he had the best prices. Can't beat the service, and John is a member here. If I had to recommend a must try shaver, it would be the Merkur. Actually, if you are like most of us, you will try a dozen or so razors eventually, but I would recommend the Merkur as an excellent starting point.

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