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need help with fatboy dis-assembly!

Greetings all!
I am following the youtube video on disassembling a fatbbiy but have run into a brick wall. I have removed the end cap and spring but the rod holding the silo doors will not completely come out. it seems like i need to unscrew it further but can't. Has anyone had this issue? Any ideas?
Joe D.
If someone could refer me to a member that may be able to help me, that would be much appreciated.

I have a very nice looking fatboy and the adjuster is not working. I am hoping to take it apart and see what the deal is. The silo door bar comes out about an inch and then stops. what ever is keeping it from coming out is solid and I am afraid that if I keep pulling on it, it will break.
Here are some leads:



You may need of these pliers
Greetings all!
I am following the youtube video on disassembling a fatbbiy but have run into a brick wall. I have removed the end cap and spring but the rod holding the silo doors will not completely come out. it seems like i need to unscrew it further but can't. Has anyone had this issue? Any ideas?
Joe D.

Especially that step seems to be the difficult one when disassembeling a Fat Boy.

Maybe this link will help:


Good luck!
Most adjuster issues don't require disassembly to fix. What was the original problem?

I would be more than happy to take a look at it for you if you want to send it to me along with a couple dollars for return postage. PM me if I can help.
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