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Need Help Choosing Badger Brush

I'm very new to wet shaving, about 2 weeks. I am currently using the boar brush found in the VDH premium kit. I decided I would like to get a new brush. I decided to go with an EJ brush because I was so happy with the razor I have. I did my research on the pure, best, and silvertip grades and decided to get a Best Badger. Now this is were I became confused. ShaveNation has the three grades that I had researched, but WestCostShaving has best, super, and silvertip. Is super much better that best? Or is in equivalent to SN's best? Also, are these decent brushes?
Best badger in an Edwin Jagger brush will be the same no matter who sells it. The hair grade is determined by the manufacturer not the vendor. As far as wether one hair grade is better than another is the wrong question to ask. Before you choose a brush you need to decide wether you want a scratchy brush or a soft tipped brush. Pure badger will be pretty scratchy or scritchy. The hair will also be more coarse and will not hold water as well as Best, Super, Or Silver Tip.

If you can answer the following questions the gents here will be more able to help you.

-Will you face lather, bowl lather, or both?
- Do you want a really dense brush with lots of backbone or do you want a floppier brush?
- Do you want a very soft face feel or do you want some scrubbiness?

There may be a better brush for you than the EJ. The EJ's are great brushes to be sure but there may be something that will suit you better.
Thanks for the fast response.
I plan to face lather with the brush.
I guess I would like a brush that isn't too dense, but also isn't floppy, if there is such a thing.
I would like something decently soft.
I also would spend up to $60 for a nice brush.
Spend just a bit more and get a Semogue SOC 2 Band. You can't go wrong with the SOC for the money. I face lather and it's a permanent part of my rotation. You're only looking at $90 to $95 - one of the best shaving investments you're likely to make.
Given your budget the EJ best badger is probably your best bet. It puts all the Silver Tips out of your price range and all but the smallest Super badger will be out of your range was well.

If you can swing it I would actually suggest raising your budget a bit and going for the Rooney 3/1 in Silver Tip. The knot size on the Rooney is just right for face lathering and the brush should have a soft enough face feel with good backbone.http://www.vintagebladesllc.com/vshop/xcart/product.php?productid=486&cat=156&page=1

Otherwise the Simpson Commodore X2 would be a good choice right at $65.00. Simpon's Best hair is really good. http://www.westcoastshaving.com/Simpson-Commodore-X2-Best-Badger-Shaving-Brush-X2B_p_391.html

Honestly, I think the Rooney is probably the best brush for the money but if your budget is pretty fixed the Simpson or the EJ in Best will give you a good value for the money. I'm not sure that the EJ in best will have a soft enough face feel for you though.
Based on the input I'm getting I can raise my budget to $100, but can't do much more than that. So I guess that a smaller sized brush is good for face lathering? And that EJ doesn't make great brushes?
EJ makes really nice brushes actually. They are quite good.

I find that knots bigger than 22mm are too big for face lathering. The brush turns into a giant mop and I find it hard to control properly. That's just my opinion, not a hard fast rule.

I suggested the Rooney given the criteria you were looking for. I think the EJ Best may fall a tad short. It might be a tad more scrubby than you want. The only way to know is to buy it and see for yourself. The Rooney coming in at $79.00 I think will be just what you're looking for. You could go with any of the brushes including the EJ and I think you'll be more than happy. Just stay away from Pure badger. There is nothing soft about those.
Alright then. I really appreciate the help and I will try the Rooney. I sense this will not be a "buy one and be done with it" deal. :biggrin1:
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