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Need a bread knife


Wanting for wisdom
I sent him a PM with s site that offered B&B folk a discount. Felt a little guilty as I like all the vendors that have shown up here.


Yeah, no kidding.

How much bread are you going to cut? What is your budget? And what type of bread are you planning on cutting? Is this for home or professional use?

Normal home use. Very crusty breads to very soft breads.
Any one of these will do you fine.


In all honesty it's a bread knife. Being from a kitchen enviroment and cooking, a cheap restaurant one will do you fine (These are meant to be used everyday). I prefer the offset, but that is just my preference. The only difference you are going to really get by going high end is a nicer handle and possibly a bit better balance, but since it is a serrated edge, they are meant to saw and not cut.
I have a Victorinox 10" bread knife which works very well. Most restaurants/delis use the Dexter Russell offset bread knife that dobee is talking about. Both are great. Both are available on Amazon or Fleabay. For everyday use I'd give the edge to the Dexter Russell; in fact I have gradually switched over to the Dexter Russell Softgrip on all my knives, leaving my expensive Forscheners to sit in the drawer.
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I've ordered a lot of Forschner's from www.cadcutlery.com, including the bread knife. It does what it's supposed to.

The guy who owns it runs it out of his house I think and must be a heavy smoker. Every time I open a package it reeks. But delivery is always quick (of course, I'm only like 45 minutes away) and never had any problems.

I have one of these and they are great bread knives. I prefer it to my Wustof classic because the grip is more ergonomic and, they are cheap and NSF certified. If you get one with reverse scallops it can be sharpened easily if it ever becomes dull, but it should not dull for a very long time if you are only cutting bread.

Solingen Forschner bread knife 10 or 11 inch from amazon is good and cheap.
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I love kitchen knives and spend more than I should on them. With that said, get a cheap bread knife and throw it away when it dulls. I like the forshner fibrox offset. Saves me money for my custom knives. Who am I kidding lol.
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