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Nakayama Honayama Asagi from takeshi


today i received my stone from takeshi of aframestokyo.


this is how it looks. the yellow thing gone a bit away while honing with slurry.
what is this yellow things on the surface? i lapped the stone but it still was there. on the picture it looks more extrem than in real.
dont know what it is. i soon will shave with the razor i honed only with this stone and my naguras (botan,mejiro,koma, nagura cutted out of a maruka nakayama). the edge seems pretty good and the hht is no problem at all. dont know if its finer than my ohzuku but its much faster even without slurry.
Hey, Timo, guten Abend! I don't know exactly what that yellow haze is called, but I've seen it before on Nakayama stones, and it is certainly not a bad thing to have. I don't believe it affects the honing qualities of the stone at all, and sometimes the yellow haze forms a figure on the stone, like a circle or a bird shape, which is considered to be desirable.

You should know that Takeshi is a very good guy to deal with too, and if you do not like the hone, he will take it back and give you a refund if you want.

I hope all else is good with you! --Jeff

yea takeshi is a really nice contact. The Stone is wonerful and i wont send it back. Its pretty fast and the shave yesterday was pretty good. But i think my ohzuku is finer than this nakayama cause the shaves after the ohzuku are a bit better
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