My wife(yea wife) went to Bath and Body works and in support of my transition to DE/Wet shaving bought me 3 tubes(my wife said you cant turn down buy two get one free ) Bigalow shaving cream. From what I have read this is rebranded Proraso so I am really looking foward to shaving in the AM! Since I started DE/Wet shaving just over two months ago I have been using puck soap,Williams, VDH Luxery and Deluxe which I like and works well in my Apathocary mug(I have a puck of Williams in it now) so cream in a tube will be different and fun. I only have another small mug so I might need to borrow a bowl from the kitchen until I can get a proper shaving bowl since with the puck soap I mostly face lather. Then again reading some on this forum I might use my small mug to load my brush and still face lather until I can add a proper shaving bowl(more stuff )
One question how much should I use to load my brush?
One question how much should I use to load my brush?
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