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My wandering eye - has anyone else caught this bug?

I have a sneaking suspicion that my dozen straights are in danger of being shuttled aside for attention. In their place might come - horrors - something else. And yes, it just might be wristwatches.

It all began so innocently. A first DE and then a second but wait I need a brush and a couple of soaps to go with them. What about aftershave? Then another brush that "came with" a DE. Like rabbits they multiplied when left alone. But wait, there is some thing called a "scuttle" and what is that all about? So only Dirty Bird was able to make it right.

Then it was a thought to view, just view a youtube on straight shaving. Then the first cheap straight and the tentative first shaves over a year ago. Well they went off and multiplied and my only defense was to sell off the DE's to keep the peace. Now the straights have found a plateau in my life and - here we go - I just bought a wristwatch that I never would have thought about a month ago. And yes I sold some straights in advance...

Was there an inoculation that I missed out on? Or if there is an inoculation is it to be avoided at all costs? :biggrin1:


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
My eyes have wandered over to the Outdoors Forum and find myself wanting a sidearm. Some items will be sold :).


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
My eyes have wandered over to the Outdoors Forum and find myself wanting a sidearm. Some items will be sold :).

I don't like to admit it, but if I was in the US I would probably own several guns. I don't think I would carry one, but I would definitely be modifying them and shooting targets a lot.

Other than that, I have gone through just about every AD this place has to offer. Pens, watches, pipes, knives... I even owned too many thermos' (thermi?) at one point. If I ever really need to save money I will first pull my internet connection from the wall...
While my straight and hone AD remains strong (more so the hones), I'm drawn to a few firearms as well. Up until recently there was a no guns in our house rule that has finally been lifted so I've got years of catching up to do.
I don't like to admit it, but if I was in the US I would probably own several guns. I don't think I would carry one, but I would definitely be modifying them and shooting targets a lot.

I recently watched a documentry on the Aussie gun laws and I was sickened. My heart goes out to you guys. I was shocked to see the statistics on home invasions. A good day out on the range does induce a zen like state that is similar to a good shave.

While my straight and hone AD remains strong (more so the hones), I'm drawn to a few firearms as well. Up until recently there was a no guns in our house rule that has finally been lifted so I've got years of catching up to do.

This is great news! Try a his & her's set-up to ease her into it. There are plenty of options that are SWMBO friendly. I'm thinking about modifying a AK-47 for a friend. She wants it to be hot pink, and I'll probably hook her up for Christmas.

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While my straight and hone AD remains strong (more so the hones), I'm drawn to a few firearms as well. Up until recently there was a no guns in our house rule that has finally been lifted so I've got years of catching up to do.

even better. more ammo for you. so... you've just now been allowed to play with big boy toys? guess it's not your house? :biggrin1:

(said the guy who gave away half histo keep his toys and toy playing schedule intact)
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I also recently caught this bug. I dug out my grandfathers old automatic and just ordered my first swiss watch last week. I'm realy excited and my wife is scared that this hobby is infinitely more expensive than my straights lol....


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
I don't think anyone ever goes to a cheaper AD. Seems it always gets more expensive. Why can't I go from Straights to nose hair collecting?


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I find the price point of my AD's is usually reflected by my financial status at the time.

I've collected all sorts of things in the past, including, but not limited to, watches, pens, meteorites, fossils, coins, knives, swords, antiquities, books...

About all I am collecting right now is dust.
I admit I like old razors -- whether they're DE or SR. I've got a few.

But my real AD is for MasterMobile ham antennas. MasterMobile built some really efficient antennas and matching hardware, but unfortunately went out of business some 50 years ago.

You find their old, antique equipment on eBay and other places for just about what it cost new. And I have almost a full set of their gear, only missing a 40-meter and an 80-meter coil, and an ACTUAL MM top whip, the latter piece probably lost forever in some time discontitunity, never to be seen again.

You see my AD? I'm ready to tell a group of wet shaving enthusiasts about ham radio antennas!!!
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Stop now! run! get out if you can!!
Watches have left me penniless and always checking the time.

Having said all that, the B&B Berhardt is a beauty.
I sold a bunch of mine because they just sat there gathering dust.
I'm down to 6 now and even that's too much for me.
lol Scott!! as the recipient of 2 of your beautiful razors thus far, ...all I can say is... umm, Keep checking the time my friend!! :001_tt2:

the # of ADs around here are endless... and there are 10X more enablers than actual disorders to be found!

God bless us, each and every one of us LOL


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
We all live vicariously through those willing to dig down and spend the cash on unneeded, sometimes obscure and weird items.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
I don't like to admit it, but if I was in the US I would probably own several guns. I don't think I would carry one, but I would definitely be modifying them and shooting targets a lot.

Other than that, I have gone through just about every AD this place has to offer. Pens, watches, pipes, knives... I even owned too many thermos' (thermi?) at one point. If I ever really need to save money I will first pull my internet connection from the wall...
So it’s been ten years since that post. I now have 2 rifles and 3 pistols that sadly got lost in a boating accident. I also have gotten into reloading as well. As well as knives, pipes and tobacco too.
I admit I like old razors -- whether they're DE or SR. I've got a few.

But my real AD is for MasterMobile ham antennas. MasterMobile built some really efficient antennas and matching hardware, but unfortunately went out of business some 50 years ago.

You find their old, antique equipment on eBay and other places for just about what it cost new. And I have almost a full set of their gear, only missing a 40-meter and an 80-meter coil, and an ACTUAL MM top whip, the latter piece probably lost forever in some time discontitunity, never to be seen again.

You see my AD? I'm ready to tell a group of wet shaving enthusiasts about ham radio antennas!!!
Wow, has it been ten years already?

Today, all my MasterMobile antennas sit in a box in the garage and my latest "thing" is FOUNTAIN PENS. So far I'm only collecting the lower-priced stuff.
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