I have a sneaking suspicion that my dozen straights are in danger of being shuttled aside for attention. In their place might come - horrors - something else. And yes, it just might be wristwatches.
It all began so innocently. A first DE and then a second but wait I need a brush and a couple of soaps to go with them. What about aftershave? Then another brush that "came with" a DE. Like rabbits they multiplied when left alone. But wait, there is some thing called a "scuttle" and what is that all about? So only Dirty Bird was able to make it right.
Then it was a thought to view, just view a youtube on straight shaving. Then the first cheap straight and the tentative first shaves over a year ago. Well they went off and multiplied and my only defense was to sell off the DE's to keep the peace. Now the straights have found a plateau in my life and - here we go - I just bought a wristwatch that I never would have thought about a month ago. And yes I sold some straights in advance...
Was there an inoculation that I missed out on? Or if there is an inoculation is it to be avoided at all costs?
It all began so innocently. A first DE and then a second but wait I need a brush and a couple of soaps to go with them. What about aftershave? Then another brush that "came with" a DE. Like rabbits they multiplied when left alone. But wait, there is some thing called a "scuttle" and what is that all about? So only Dirty Bird was able to make it right.
Then it was a thought to view, just view a youtube on straight shaving. Then the first cheap straight and the tentative first shaves over a year ago. Well they went off and multiplied and my only defense was to sell off the DE's to keep the peace. Now the straights have found a plateau in my life and - here we go - I just bought a wristwatch that I never would have thought about a month ago. And yes I sold some straights in advance...
Was there an inoculation that I missed out on? Or if there is an inoculation is it to be avoided at all costs?