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My Son's First Shave

Yesterday morning while shaving my 3 year old came in, watched for a minute, and said "what are you doing daddy?". I replied "shaving" and he said "I want to shave too".:smile: So I relathered my face and handed him the brush. He did exactly as I had done without any assistance as I got my HD (I was using my slant) out and removed the blade. He then proceeded to mimic what I was doing as I made another pass. It was a blast watching him. The only downside was that I was little distracted and applied just a touch too much pressure to my neck.
Same story as in my house!

My 7 year old son and my 4 year old daughter join in the saturday shave every week; my shave needs 45 minutes to complete and is the lousiest of the week. But I wouldn't want to miss it for the world! :rolleyes:
My 3 year old daughter yells "WAIT ON ME" when I tell her I am gonna shave :)
She stands on her little plastic stool at the sink and says "Shave soap, Razor".
The calls the OS bottle "your smell". It's cuter than I described.
Truefitt kids set just in time for Xmas :biggrin:

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