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What did your father teach you about wet-shaving?

I have often wondered what fathers teach their sons about wet-shaving. I dont remember my father teaching me how to shave. He was a good Dad, but too busy for that kind of thing. I learned on my own. Trial and error.

I do, however, remember teaching both my boys the joy of wet shaving and now they are skilled in the art and they have an appreciation for a fine soap, a well crafted razor and take pride in giving themselves a clean shave.

What did your father teach you about wet-shaving? What have you taught your sons?
My dad gave me an electric razor (a Remington micro-screen). There's not really much learning curve and that's what I used for a long time. I gave my son a Van Der Hagen short handle TTO when he finished USMC basic training. Unfortunately it was confiscated by the TSA when he flew back home for a visit because he forgot it was in his bag. I showed him the basics (use a light touch).
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Unfortunately, my father didn't teach me jack squat about shaving. Reason being is that he's had a big beard my entire life. I think I've seen him shave maybe three times in all my years.

I do love hearing about your endeavor to teach yours. It always makes me feel good to hear about the family bonding around shaving.
My Dad didn't teach me much, except that when I first started to DE shave he told me that I needed to 'stand closer to the blade!' He would shave standing left of the kitchen sink with a mirror on the wall whilst my mother tried to get breakfast in the small kitchen working around him. He would start by vigorously rubbing the end of a Palmolive shaving stick into his wet beard and lather with a boar brush. (Face lathering) His favourite blades were Gillette 7 O'Clock yellows. Like others have said he didn't use a styptic pencil, but toilet paper for coagaulation of blood caused by nicks etc.. -Ah memories !

He never used aftersahve or balms/moisturizers
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Not made for these times.
I would sometimes watch my dad shave as a kid but I learned to shave on my own. I tried a few of his BIC disposable razors until I got my first Gillette Sensor and then Sensor Excel. I'm guessing my first shave was with Barbasol.
31 Dec 1969 (18th birthday). Dad showed me how to hold and use a DE Gillette razor so I would not cut myself shaving. For my birthday he gave me:
1) Gillette razor
2) Gillette blades
3) Tube of shaving cream
4) Old Spice after shave
He said this was my gift for registering to vote, and for the draft, like responsible young adults do,
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