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My return to Fusion experience.

I know, I know, the horse is dead. I just thought I'd share the experience I had today with my Fusion. I'm not gonna sit here and state the obvious, I just wanted to talk about how it was for me.

I'll start by saying that before my switch I used a fusion. It was a quick shave in the shower before work and always one pass. When I switched to a DE shave, that's when I had my first honest to goodness BBS, and not only that, it was a very comfortable shave.

I've been shaving with DE's and SE's for about 4.5 to 5 months, progressed quickly and now have a rotation of a 40's Tech, Fatboy, and an Ever Ready Lather Catcher.

I didn't throw my fusion away when I switched, as a matter of fact, it is still hanging in my shower and I've looked at it nearly every day. I've been considering giving it a spin again but was just convinced it was inferior and decided not to give it a try. I think because inside I was afraid there wouldn't be a big difference, that all of this time, money and effort was spent just to get to the same place.

Today I just figured, "To heck with it, I'll never know unless I use it." So I did, with my Rooney 3/1 Super and TOBS Gentleman's Shave Cream.

When I started, I was surprised at first how uncomfortable it was, like I was taking sand paper and running it over my cheeks, the first (WTG) pass went well enough and reduced my beard more than any in my current rotation does on the first pass. However, I still felt stubble in all of the usual spots, Chin/mustache area and along my jawline. One thing I noted was, now that I've experience BBS or DFS shaves on a pretty regular basis, I didn't realize how incomplete the shaves were that I had been getting with the Fusion. On to pass 2.

Pass two was XTG and now my cheeks were BBS but still could feel hairs on the dimple of my chin, mustache area and parts of the jawline. Keep in mind, it's still uncomfortable; sandpaper.

Pass number three was ATG and cleaned up the vast majority of the hair that was left. I finished up in the same way, Witch Hazel, Cold Rinse, AS, then Balm 10 mins later.

The shave overall was better in terms of being smooth, but not by much. There are still a few places, the usual ones, that just don't want to cooperate. It was certainly less comfortable and no where near as enjoyable of an experience. My face has that definite "over-shaved" feeling and does not feel refreshed (including one weeper) . Which is not too surprising considering there were 15 blades passed over my skin. I think as I continue with my DE and SE razors and become more technically proficient, the subtle overall difference in terms of smoothness will disintegrate and will eventually surpass the fusion. However, in terms of enjoyment and the comfort of my shave, there is no question that the SE and DE razors when wielded with a relatively proficient hand, far surpass the fusion in nearly every respect.

Those of you who have gained some experience and are past the "Excited Newbie Hates Cartridges and Doesn't Quite Know Why Outside of the Price" stage and have been debating on trying your Mach3 or Fusion again, even using your current routine, I'd encourage you to do so. It's kind of an eye opener and you'll better understand that there are very good reasons, beyond price, to shave the way we do.

Thanks for reading guys.
Those of you who have gained some experience and are past the "Excited Newbie Hates Cartridges and Doesn't Quite Know Why Outside of the Price" stage and have been debating on trying your Mach3 or Fusion again, even using your current routine, I'd encourage you to do so.

Hey, I LIKE this stage! :tongue_sm

Good post, thanks.
I actually had to do this. I went back to my mach3 for a few shaves as i was waiting on some blades to arrive in the mail. I found that I did have a smooth shave, which I mainly attribute to now using a soap and brush, but it was nowhere near as close. I had a 5 o'clock shadow at noon as i have always had with the M3. It was quite a nice experience and it again made me glad i made the switch to DE.
Once you learn how to shave properly you can shave with a sharp piece of glass and get decent results...

It's been proven time and time again (with a few exceptions of course) that once someone takes the time to learn how to use a DE they can go back to whatever they were using before - mach3, 5, sensor, bic, etc - and get a good shave. And you're right - there is a time that your technique with a DE will allow you to get far better results using the DE than you can with a cartridge. At least that was my experience.
Im actually really eager to try the Fusion Power. I get excellent results with the Sensor. (Although its been a few months) I like DE shaving because it's just "cool" in a really nerdy way. When I use the Sensor I get BBS everytime & feel that I might really be blown a way by Fusion Power but the cost is too prohibitive for a 1 & done trial. I dont plan on giving up DE shaving, I just like it too much. But I'm also not a cartridge system basher by any means, they sell well because they work, period. Great thread.
To be honest, I don't hate cartridge razors. I just find DEs more fun. I know i'm a total noob and I'm not good with DEs yet; so in terms of shaving, I probably get a better shave doing 3 passes with a cartridge. With that being said, I enjoy taking my time with my Merkur. It's a lot more enjoyable and something about the weight and how it's built makes it a lot more pleasant to shave with. Hope I didn't offend anyone :tongue_sm
I switched to DE about nine months ago, and been trying out straights the last two months when time allowed and I have absolutely no intention of ever going back to cartridge.

Three or four months back I played with the idea, but I just had so much enjoyment shaving with the DE, I never got around to it and I'm not regretting it at all - the cartridge affair is a finished chapter.
I was away on a business trip for a couple of days last week and used a Bic Sensitive, rather than my usual fat boy. What a difference! The sandpaper analogy was pretty good, loud and quite a bit scratchy. Decent shave, but just not the same. I will give the old M3 a shot next trip :001_smile:
I had almost the same experience as the OP last week. I've been DE for the past year, but kept the Fusion and a spare new blade around. I got stuck at work until the wee hours and went directly to bed rather than my usual nightly (or sometimes very early morning) shave. I figured I'd go back to the old ways for a day and shave with the Fusion and new cartridge in the morning.

What came as a shock was how the Fusion dragged and didn't cut anywhere as close as a DE. I half expected it to be OK, but it wasn't. The Fusion missed a lot of spots and lef some irritation, too. The shave wasn't anywhere as close and the Witch Hazel stung mote than I was used to. After eight hours, my face was as stubbly as it is about 20 hours out on a DE.

Fortunately, I had time that evening for a proper DE shave.

I'll keep the Fusion around for the hell of it. I'll probably pick up Gillette's new gizmo sooner or later and give it a few shaves. I'd like to be able to tell people with certainty that DE is better than even the latest offering.
To be honest, I don't hate cartridge razors. I just find DEs more fun. I know i'm a total noob and I'm not good with DEs yet; so in terms of shaving, I probably get a better shave doing 3 passes with a cartridge. With that being said, I enjoy taking my time with my Merkur. It's a lot more enjoyable and something about the weight and how it's built makes it a lot more pleasant to shave with. Hope I didn't offend anyone :tongue_sm

This is where I'm at. I get a way better and closer shave with my Mach 3, but I enjoy using the DE's.
Everyone has different reactions to different razors. Find the one that works and stick with it.

Luckily for me, I don't need super sharp blades to shave, in fact I don't like them super sharp. My hair is course, but when properly prepped, it's fairly soft.
I've been on the same M3 blade for over 4 months.....LOL.
"Excited Newbie Hates Cartridges and Doesn't Quite Know Why Outside of the Price"

now you've stirred a wetshavers nest:lol:
"Excited Newbie Hates Cartridges and Doesn't Quite Know Why Outside of the Price"

now you've stirred a wetshavers nest:lol:

:lol: Didn't mean to. But that was me to a T, as soon as I converted I decided I hated them. To be honest, I think I needed to in order to stick out the growing pains of converting. My conversion went well...but there were days.

That and I also don't think a lot of people will realize exactly how superior DE/SE/Straight shaving is until you get good at it, then go back. :thumbup1:
I have to admit that I have used a M3 on a few occasions since going to DE. Sometimes because I know (or think) i'll probably get a better shave with less chance of getting cut. However, on those occasions I have used it, I'm convinced I can get just as good and possibly better (on a good day) with my DE. With the M3, I still had problems in the same areas as a DE.

I will add one last thing, Although I may use the M3 rarely, I'll never go back to the goo or gel from a can. Brush and cream or soap always. Still a Badge and Blade what ever way you look at it.
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