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My new Dubl Duck Strop :)

Dubl Duck Satinedge Strop off of ebay.
The condition of the linen was horrible when I got it, and the leather was stained, dry, and uneven in color.

Here are some before pictures.





On the Brass, I used MAAS polish. The new photos don't show it well but the hardware shines nicely now.
On the leather, I first sanded out imperfections with high grit wet/dry. I then applied and scrubbed with saddle soap 3x. I then applied neatsfoot while damp, and reapplied 15 minutes later.

Lastly, I hand washed the linen with laundry detergent, then with a little dish soap, then finally with some clorox. I rinsed it and through it in the dryer on high heat with fabric softener, and then ran it over the corner of a table about 200 times. What once was a stiff as a board now is fabric again. However, some of the dirt was to entrenched to come out. I'm happy with the final outcome.

Here are some after pictures:




Very nice, i just done up a roma strop from the 30's, and my linen looks exactly the same as yours does now, and after cleaning, the strop puts a wicked finish on my blades, hope yours does to:thumbup:
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