was a blood bath. When I went to shave tonight I took all my razors out of my mug, lathered up and proceeded to grab my SS Flair. Had a blade out for it when I thought "Hey, I just got some Ted Pella GEM SE blades (thanks to gaj90027 for those and Omnichron whose blades are in the mail) lets give this a try." So I put down the SS and picked up my GEM 1912, loaded up a blade, which took a little to get sitting right and proceeded with a WTG pass. First few passes were smooth and felt pretty good. Took my time and concentrated getting the right angle right. After that was done, gave a little rinse and proceeded to lather up for my ATG pass I usually do next. And here's where the problems started. I don't know what I was doing wrong (I'm thinking angle) but it didn't seem to cut as smoothly and by the time I was done I had the most weepers I've had since starting wet shaving, including the worst one I've ever had right below my nose. Took a little to stop the bleeding but despite that, was I was cleaned up, I actually ended up with a DFS maybe even boardering on BBS. I'm thinking next time, because there felt like a lot of pull on the ATG pass, more so then I've felt with a DE, I'm going to do a XTG pass first to reduce it a little more. I won't say I'm a SE convert but I did enjoy it, even with the massacre.
Another quick thanks to gaj90027 and Omnichron who stepped up right away when I posted about finding SE blades and offered to send me some. I was still pretty new to the board and acts like that show what a good group of people we have.
Another quick thanks to gaj90027 and Omnichron who stepped up right away when I posted about finding SE blades and offered to send me some. I was still pretty new to the board and acts like that show what a good group of people we have.