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My First PIF's (two) for my Daughters First Birthday!

In honor of my daughters 1st birthday I am offering two PIF's. I must keep these CONUS (sorry International Brethren & Sisteren) due to the aftershaves. Her birthday in on 9/17/13 so entries will close at midnight Pacific time on the 16th, and I'll pick the winners on the 17th.

So in the spirit of little kids to enter you just need to say "I'm in" and share your favorite kid story, funny things you've heard them say, see them do, etc...

So for PIF #1 whichever story/comment gives the SWMBO the biggest laugh wins, and for PIF #2 I'll pull that winner via random number generator. Ok with everyone?

Now for the prizes!

PIF #1

1- Shave ready vintage Flare Tip (bought from Vintage Razors and my face no likey, will be clean and sterile).

2- Super Platinum
2- Gillette Nacet
1- Shark Super Stainless
2- Wilson Sword
2- Mekur Super
2- Lord Platinum
2- Dorco ST300
2- Dorco ST301
2- Supermax Stainless
2- Big Ben
2- Derby
1- Gillette 7 O'clock Yellow
2- Gillette 7 O'clock Black
2- Bic Chrome Platinum

1- Arko Shave Stick
1- Approx 2 oz Mama Bears Barbershop
1- Approx 2 oz mama Bears Orange Orange

After Shave Samples
1- Pinaud Clubman
1- Pinaud Clubman Special Reserve
1- Pinaud Clubman Musk
1- Pinaud Clubman Vanilla
1- Pinaud Lime Sec
1- Pinaud Citrus Musk
1- Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum
1- Masters Checkered Flag
1- Masters Lord & Master
1- Masters Champange
1- Masters Challenge
1- Masters Master Blue
1- CVS Spice
1- Captains Choice Bay Rum
1- Captains Choice Cat O'nine Tails
1- Complete Set of the Wm Neumann & Co. AS samples

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$PIF 1.2 9.1.13.jpg

PIF #2

After Shave Samples

1- Pinaud Clubman
1- Pinaud Clubman Special Reserve
1- Pinaud Clubman Musk
1- Pinaud Clubman Vanilla
1- Pinaud Lime Sec
1- Pinaud Citrus Musk
1- Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum
1- Masters Checkered Flag
1- Masters Lord & Master
1- Masters Champange
1- Masters Challenge
1- Masters Master Blue
1- CVS Spice

1- 5 pack Bic Chrome Platnum
1- 5 pack Gillette Silver Blue
1- 7 pack Gilette 7 O'clock Black
1- 10 pack Wilkinson Sword

And one Arko Shave Stick! (makes it worth entering right there!):thumbup1:

$PIF 2 9.1.13.jpg

So good luck everyone! And as a bonus either package may include baby drool or Basset Hound hair.:laugh:

Mods as this is my first PIF thread please let me know it i did something wrong or put it in the wrong place, Thanks!
I'm in like flynn! Funniest kid moment was when both my son and daughter were about 7 and 6 respectively, we were at the beach and eating a picnic lunch when a couple of seagulls swooped down from out of the sun and attempted to snatch my kids snacks. Both kids picked up a hand full of sand and threw it at the gulls as they were trying to pick up the cookies. Both kids scored good hits on the invading birds and drove them off, but in the process both cookies got covered in sand. My son was first to notice the cookies covered with sand and said "Seagulls zero....... Us ...... zero......... Looks like a draw!" If I would have had a video camera at the time I would have made millions on that moment alone. :lol:
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I'm in. I just had a son about 6 months ago and he gets the biggest kick out of me or his grandpa changing his dirty diaper he will just laugh and squeal the whole time whereas when mom or granny change it he is quite the stoic little character. Happy birthday to your daughter, my son will be 6 months old on that same day!!
I am in! I remember one of the funniest memories of me personally as a child happened when I was about 8 years old. I was playing "home run derby" with my brother in the yard and I hit a line drive at him right where it counts! I ran inside crying, thinking he was only a few short steps behind me ready to beat me up. After a few minutes of me terrified, waiting in my room basically for the elderly brother thrashing, I looked outside to see him still outside grabbing himself in pain. Turns out that little brother got the best of big brother that day. Thanks again for the great PIF opportunity!
I'm in.

I guess my favorite story happened recently. I have twin boys that are learning to potty train. They've been doing fairly well at it as they've been watching dad and how he does it. Knowing that they would watch me and pick up how to go potty like a big boy, I sat down for the better part of their 3 years of life. It was really surprising to see my youngest stand to pee for the first time. He was very proud. His brother not to be outdone tries to do the same thing. He gets up on his stool, pulls his pants down and goes to town. The whole time his brother is standing there saying "You can do it brother! You can do it" Which was enough to make me laugh. Looking back I laugh harder because his brother missed badly. Bad enough that they both needed a shower and the entire bathroom needed a scrubbing. The younger brother still stands, the older one sits. I asked him why and he said it was too hard to stand and pee.

I think they saw stand maybe twice before this story happened.
I'm in.

I will say that if I can use a couple of stories from my own childhood, once I went through a phase where I would put chocolate syrup on bologna and eat it. I also used to call Sprite, Green Coke (since it came in a green bottle); on a side note my sister called Pepsi, Upaday. I was also had a bit of a artistic streak as a baby in that I would use what ended up in my diaper to paint the wall. Luckily I outgrew these phases.

If I can't use those then; I have to say that my mom used to baby sit this one child and when his favorite word was No, I just would have fun with it. I would ask him to say his ABCs and he would respond No. I would ask him to say his BVDs he would say No. I would ask other things and he would say No.
I'm in. Happy Birthday to your child! My comment may not be funny, but may strike a chord with any mom (or parent, for that matter).

Anyway, this photo was taken a few days ago while my family was on vacation. It should probably be under a "Like Father - Like Son" thread. My son "pretend shaves" at the sink next to me, every morning. His razor is empty - always thoroughly checked to be blade-free before we start. He lathers up with my brush and basically just wipes the lather off of his face. He insists on 4-passes and sometimes causes a lather shortage for old dad! The whole process can occasionally be a hassle, but you can bet I would never tell him that!

Although he's using my Red Tip in this photo, what makes this so cute is his insistence on using his GOLD TIP.

That's what he calls the '46-'47 Aristocrat that is his razor of choice!!!!


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I'm in! And an early Happy Birthday to your Daughter!
-My friend recently had a Baby just over 2 weeks ago and about a Month ago her daughter said the funniest thing I've heard in a while. Mom was sick, throwing up(morning Sickness) and her youngest daughter told her "Mom, the Baby must be Drunk..that's why you are getting sick!" :001_huh:
I'm In for a Happy Birthday to your daughter only. I got to spend the day with both my girls today on the soccer field.The two of them take the stress of work and the worlds worries away from me. They may fight and bicker but I would not trade them for the world. You are a lucky man to have a daughter. Enjoy her birthday and log this day in your memory so that you can look back on it when you are having a bad day at work and yes you will smile. Again Happy Birthday.
I'm in. Just the other day my 4yr old girl walked in on me taking a shower to go potty, well on her way out she peaked in the shower and screamed 'MOMMY SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH DADDYS VAJAYJAY! ITS GOT STUFF COMING OUT" Damn near fall out the shower laughing, even better hearing my wife trying to explain the difference between boys and GIRLS at 8am.

happy birthday to your lil one.
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I'm in. Great PIF. Happy b-day to your little one!

Anyhow, my 8 year old son kept asking me really unusual questions. For example. when he'd see an elderly person he would ask: "Was she/he black and white once?" Or he'd see a classic car and ask the same question. Finally I was able to make the connection, I watch a lot of classic movies including the old George Reeve's Superman serials, and he mistakenly thought that the world, back in the "old days," was entirely black and white. I explained to him that it wasn't the world that was black and white, just the film used to make those movies. It took him a bit to wrap his head around that one.
I'm in. This pic was taken after my 3 year old told my wife that he needed some quite time. This is a pic from under the bathroom door.
I'm IN

Just yesterday morning, I got up and wobbled into the living room. Now there are three large cardboard boxes in there that I haven't thrown away from a large package my wife ordered. I know my son is around somewhere but I don't see him so I say "Where are you". From behind the boxes I hear "I'm behind this box. (pause) Um, You aren't going to like what you see". I'm thinking he had a potty accident. I told him to come on out and he comes out. From his knees to his neck he had used different colors magic markers to make flowers over his body. I'm so glad it wasn't on his face.
I'm in. Happy birthday to your daughter. Funniest moment was two years ago my son was sitting with my wife at a soccer game, he was 5 and he turns and looks at our friend and proceeds to keep repeating you're bald, you're bald, you're bald, over and over. Finally after a few minutes my wife finally realizes what he was saying and quieted him down. We never found found out if our friend heard him. We still laugh everytime we think about it.
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I'm in... my favorite story involving children... I work at an elementary school and my favorite age is kindergarten because of their sheer ridiculousness. It was the first day of school and I was talking to a little girl who enthusiastically exclaimed, "I'm SO excited to see my locker!" In response to this clear excitement I enthusiastically asked her, "what do you think it will look like??" She looks at me with absolutely seriousness, and says, "A bumblebee!"
I'm in. And Happy Birthday to your daughter.

This happened when my oldest son was just a little guy. He was probably 4 yrs. Anyway, one day my wife and I heard this little voice coming from the bathroom. "I need a screwdriver!" he said. We asked him what he said. He repeated, more intently, "I need a screwdriver!!" Totally confused we asked him why. He said " to get the kikis out." (You can guess what kikis are). We asked why the screwdriver and he said because the kikis are too tight and I need to loosen them. He was constipated and needed some help. He knew screwdrivers loosened things. We couldn't stop laughing at how clever and cute but also his logic. Even today, 30 years later the whole family still yells for somebody to bring a screwdriver when we are constipated.
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