So along with my Auction win,.. and 2nd place prize combo from Jason, i got a couple of restore projects, first is a pen but we will come back to that,... and the second was a retro bottle of ink in need of some work,... I knew this wouldnt end well so i was sure to have a camera on hand to take pictures for everyone
What I was up against:

as you can see we had a bad inner seal,... thank goodness the outer held,... cracked cap was at fault upon inspection
to begin with started running water in the sink and got a roll of paper towels of a box we would later find out is labeled "latex gloves" which you will see would have been great to notice ahead of time,...
First thing i did was cut the corner off the zip lock bag and decant into another bottle,.. and squeeze out as much ink as possible,... and only missing a little bit down the side of the decanter

dont worry the counter cleaned okay,... so did the sink after I discarded the ink bottle and its wrapping into the sink

..... we are not done yet
What I was up against:

as you can see we had a bad inner seal,... thank goodness the outer held,... cracked cap was at fault upon inspection
to begin with started running water in the sink and got a roll of paper towels of a box we would later find out is labeled "latex gloves" which you will see would have been great to notice ahead of time,...
First thing i did was cut the corner off the zip lock bag and decant into another bottle,.. and squeeze out as much ink as possible,... and only missing a little bit down the side of the decanter

dont worry the counter cleaned okay,... so did the sink after I discarded the ink bottle and its wrapping into the sink

..... we are not done yet