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Gonna Get Real Up In Here...First Time Cella User

So I got a box of soap from someone here about 9 months ago, in there was a brick of Cella. Tonight will be the first cella shave. I took a chunk out of it and put the rest in a zip lock in the fridge. It smells amazing. I am rather excited about this soap. I will be testing some new blades with this soap over the next couple weeks. So here we go with the Italian Soap Plunge! I did put the chunk I broke off in a container.

For now, I pulled out my favorite blade (Derby Prime) and it will be good.
Tabac, porrasso, cold water soap works, razor rock, some other artisan soaps in the cupboard, derby, mwf, arko, williams. I’ve gone the spectrum, but now I like economical soaps ( cheap)

I love the smell of cella
Shave One
Blade: Dorco Prime (new)
Razor: Superspeed 56'
Brush: Above the Tie Silver Tipped Badger
Soap: Cella Red
Pre Shave: Shower
Post Shave: Brut

I have used a lot of soaps, but I have never experienced the soap lathering itself. I put a few drops of water with my finger on the puck I made before I showered, and I soaked the brush in hot water. I did shake the brush out before I started to load it, I instead let the water run out. My lather however was instantaneous. The first layer was very very usable, but I felt it had a little too much water, the second layer was a little better. With that being said, it was incredibly usable. The shave was fantastic. One pass no clean up necessary, no irritation, no weepers, nicks, cuts, or bumps. My face is smooth. Some of that is technique, some of that is the blade, and some of that is the soap. I dried the puck itself with a towel, and am now letting it dry under my ceiling fan on a ledge in my room.

Back to the soap, it lathered itself. Instantly I had a thick lather of soap, and I hardly had to rotate the brush.
I've heard a lot of talk about Cella, one day I'll need to try it myself. Maybe when I become a more experienced wet shaver.
In my haste before going to Mass, I forgot to give proper to Marco for his instructions on how to get the most out of the soap. Marco graciously gave me advice on how to store the soap, and I he also is the one who gave me the tip about the water to soap ratio. He is indeed the Cella Master.
For the last three months I've only used Cella red. It has performed great and I'm quite pleased with how long the puck is lasting.

My puck is 4-5 years old. I can't say for certain, but it does appear that the color has darkened a little. The scent and performance have not degraded in that time.


B&B's Man in Italy
In my haste before going to Mass, I forgot to give proper to Marco for his instructions on how to get the most out of the soap. Marco graciously gave me advice on how to store the soap, and I he also is the one who gave me the tip about the water to soap ratio. He is indeed the Cella Master.
Thank you for kind words, Sir. Thank you so much.


Ask me about shaving naked!
Tha main reason that Cella goes rancid is of course the oils/fats that it is made with, for example, without preservati1ves, almond oil is just not long lived. I used to get a small bottle (like 4-5oz) for cooking and it always went bad before I used it all, even in the fridge.

Secondary reasons are that you don’t know how long that it’s been sitting around on the dealer’s shelf before you bought it. If I were buying a brick these days, I’d buy it from a large volume dealer in the cooler northern US or Canada (if you are in the US or Canada). How it’s stored makes a large difference too. Fresh Cella brick stored in the fridge except for the soap in use can last for multiple years.

All this is a bit of a bother of course, but Cella brick is a wonderful soap at a great price point.
I've had a lot of shaves with the red cella, and I'm probably doing something wrong, but I always get a rather thin lather with this soap. The shave is still good, so maybe I'm doing all right. I prefer thicker lather.

In this price range, I much prefer Prorasso, perhaps for nostalgic reasons; it was my first wet shaving product back in 2013. But now I'm derailing the thread; the scent of Cella is the reason I keep trying to shave with it, and for that reason, I understand why it's so popular.
Every time I shave with Cella, I wonder why I bother with anything else. It's cheap, it lathers beautifully, the scent is unobjectionable, and it lasts almost forever in storage. My kilo is over ten years old, a little yellowed but it shaves even better than when new.
Every time I shave with Cella, I wonder why I bother with anything else. It's cheap, it lathers beautifully, the scent is unobjectionable, and it lasts almost forever in storage. My kilo is over ten years old, a little yellowed but it shaves even better than when new.
do you keep it in the fridge or in the freezer
I loved it. But back to back kilos everyday gets boring. I should of broken it up somehow to break up the monotany


Ditto, ditto
Ah, Cella... beautiful stuff. I nominally prefer Vitos, but, Cella is on the short list of soaps I would be happy with if no other soaps were available.
Looking forward to your thoughts on this Italian classic. I personally really enjoy it. I love the marzipan/almond scent and when dialed in properly the performance is excellent both during and post shave.
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