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My Family, the Enablers

I went to visit my parents and grandparents in Greensoboro yesterday. My Grandfather had picked up eight safety razors for $.50 a piece at some yard sale, knowing I'd appreciate some or all of them. I could actually use a little help filling in some blank spots in my info, if y'all don't mind :biggrin1:.


A. I believe this is what's called the Old type. The plating is bad, but the teeth are all straight. No dating info, and the handle is mssing the end it seems.

B. New type? Mostly brassed has a dent in the head, but the teeth are great. A few patent numbers (1815745, 1858316, 17567).

C. Tech, K-4 (1965). Great shape.

D. GEM. Brassing on the head, tiny rust spots under the top flap. Opens well.

E. GEM Micromatic tto, opens smoooooth as butter. And in excellent condition. One tiny rust spot under the top flap.

F. Flare-Tip Super Speed tto, I-2 (1963). Excellent shape, opens great.

G. Super Speed tto, X-4 (1952), opens great. A little corrosion, but a good cleaning should take care of that.

H. Looks just like G but no date code. A good cleaning and she's shave ready.

B. New type? Mostly brassed has a dent in the head, but the teeth are great. A few patent numbers (1815745, 1858316, 17567).

That's a Gillette NEW. You've got the long comb version (of the teeth) which in my opinion is an awesome shaver. It's aggressive and needs the right blade but it's a joy to use.

And aside that Grandfather of yours did a nice job! Every single one of them should clean up well.
(A) is probably an Old, but I can't see the characteristic underside of the head. Is the base plate attached to what's left of the handle? If not, you might be able to try it out with the Tech or New handle. Or Bob's Razor Works might be able to help. Any serial numbers? You probably know about http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/index.php/US_Gillette_Dating_Information

(B) is a New.

(H) is 1947-49 since there's no code. Does it have the center bar notch? That means 1948-49. If not, it's 1947.
Nice haul! You should take Gramps out to dinner cause he did very well!

The Gems are also know, respectively as a push button, and a bullet tip micromatic.

The "rust" should clean up well with some Brasso.


The wife's investment
My prediction is that once you use G and H, all the others will be shelved. I will buy as many of those that I can get for 50 cents each. In fact I have even paid 75 cents for one and use it very regularly in my travel kit. I have a few other G & H or 40's style Superspeeds that I paid between $5 and $10 for. I hear others have even shelled well over $20 each for those.
In all the excitement, I forgot to post the other razor! It's a STAR boxed set, which apparently came with a DE razor and three packs of blades (one of which is still in the box). Here are a couple pics:

There's a little corrosion here and there, but it's largely in excellent shape. The head reminds me of a cross between a Tech and an Old.
Sweet haul!

Yep, the last two are 40s-style SSs, the last one is an actual 40s SS and the penultimate one is an early 50s in the 40s style.

Excellent razors. The non-notched one is a bit rarer and commands a slightly higher price.

If you decide two 40s style SSs is one too many, you can send one to me.:thumbup1:
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