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My Ever-Ready brush in great condition...will this work well today?

I just got a few things in the mail, and one of them is an Ever-Ready vintage brush. It looks brand new...the hair smells like dust but it in excellent condition. Will this work well today? It looks like its in perfect condition. Theres a number of 675 on the handle of the brush, and "no. 4508" on the box. Any idea on the age?

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not sure of the age but that handle looks like it would fit perfectly in an '80's Palm Springs party house... I dig it!
It may work. Though, this may be one of those things that has more value untried. I imagine it may be more enjoyed by some sort of a collector than one of us users. It is easy enough to find an older handle and outfit it a new knot that is bound to work well. Once you have tried using this brush, there is no going back. I doubt it would perform better than a modern knot that hasn't been aging for the past 30 years.
Give it a luke-warm soak, carefully use some shampoo, rinse, use some hair conditioner to hydrate it a bit for an hour or so, then see if it works out.
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